Thank you anons. so it's called the Benedict Arnold. I think it's not of Trump like Benedict Arnold. I saw some numbers on the Flag handle and the belt. I think this has another meaning.
Thank you anons. so it's called the Benedict Arnold. I think it's not of Trump like Benedict Arnold. I saw some numbers on the Flag handle and the belt. I think this has another meaning.
Anons, I think it's wrong. This is not Potus Trump as Benedict Arnold, but Potus Turmp as George Washington. Look at the portrait, the clothing is closer, similar to Washington, not Benedict Arnold.
Also, on the handle of the Flag in Potus new portrait there was something written where i put both green circles. It was Jan 7 and on the other side of the hand Jan … something. Sorry couldn't see better….
And there was also something written on the belt buckle that I couldn't identify.
I saw this in the morning, then went to work and when I came back, I saw this new picture posted of Potus in a meeting with Washington portrait on the wall. So I remembered the new portrait of Potus.
I cannot find one with better resolution. Can anyone help please.
And somehow it's all connected to Truman.
Please can you help me out found a picture with better resolution of Potus painting. I've been struggling to find it. There are stuff written on the Flag handle and belt Buckle. I remember one as being the date January 7 but cannot remember the rest, as I took a quick look at it. I think Potus is sending us a message.
I'm still looking for it. and i will keep on looking till i find it and show anons. thank you.
Yes. Thank you. Just checked it out. So you think it's x22 report who edited the picture and put those numbers on it? what about the belt buckle? and what about this coincidence with Washington portrait? And I cannot figure out where Truman fits in all of this.