Anonymous ID: 6d0845 Jan. 1, 2021, 3:04 p.m. No.12272659   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Land of the Free@trustrestored

REVEALED: Some of the Senior U.S. Officials Taking CCP-Subsidized Trips, Dinners for ‘Favorable Coverage’


Congressman Timothy Roemer (D-IN)

Congressman Cliff Stearns (R-FL)

Congressman Mike Ross (D-AR)

Congressman Jim McCrery (R-LA)

Congressman Thomas Petri (R-WI)

Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND)

Senator Kent Conrad (D-ND)

Senator John Sununu (R-NH)

Congressman Jon Christensen (R-NE)

Congressman Jim Slattery (D-KS)

Congressman Steve Bartlett (R-TX)

Congressman Don Bonker (D-WA)

Congressman Phil English (R-PA)

Congressman Martin Frost (D-TX)

Congressman Barbara Kennelly (D-CT)

Congresswoman Connie Morella (R-MD)

Congressman John Tanner (D-TN)

Governor Bob Holden (D-MO)

Mayor James Brainard (R-IN)

Mayor Paul TenHaken (R-IA)

Mayor Jamael Tito Brown (D-OH)

Mayor Richard Carr (R-OH)

Lieutenant Governor Michael Fedele (R-CT)

State Representative Mark Parkinson (R-ID)

Governor Jim Folsom Jr. (D-AL)

Lieutenant Governor Barbara Lawton (D-WI)

Brian Rolicki

State Senator Steve Harrelson (D-AK)

State Senator Mark Norris (R-TN)

State Representative Robbie Wills (D-AK)

State Representative Jim Tucker (R-LA)

State Representative Seth Hammett (D-AL)

State Senator Ron Richard (R-MO)

State Senator Chuck Colgan (D-VA)

Lieutenant Governor Cyrus Habib (D-WA)

Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch (R-WA)

Congresswoman-Elect Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY)

State Representative Clarice Navarro (R-CO)

Commissioner Bridget Gainer (D-IL)

Mayor Michael Copeland (KS)

Treasurer Tishaura Jones (D-MO)

Congressman Charles Boustany (R-LA)

State Representative L.F. Payne (D-VA)

Congressman Gary Franks (R-CT)

Congressman Brian Baird (D-WA)

Congressman Mike Mclntyre (D-NC)