Did you say something about SKYKING….21 times….I'm going to call you on that…more then 3 means we are in trouble!!
pics i got off of Q/research history posts
Did you say something about SKYKING….21 times….I'm going to call you on that…more then 3 means we are in trouble!!
pics i got off of Q/research history posts
I knew it!!!!
Here is a thought…Lin Wood is mocking "Q"….he sounds just like some of us on here….oh…JFK Jr. .is alive….Epstein is Alive….I'm waiting for his to start the 911 shit and the earth is flat….yes he sounds crazy..but you know and I know he is not crazy…just mocking "Q"…why would he do that….hmm…to discredit us…maybe.
The minute he posts someone positive about "Q" he is finished, so he has to run parallel with "Q's" thinking.
I agree
I heard he was the optics behind all the hard work his slaves below him worked…buts that just a rumor mind you.
Top Anon of the month??
I meant to say, should we vote him "Top Anon of the Month"??…..kek.
so, when they come in here to speak to the Top Anon…we can direct them to LW…kek.
go back to under the rock….i got many replies and i almost always RED TEXT.
No…the only reason Twitter won't censor him is he is one of them…they protect their own…..it's been said they do.
Well…I really do hope he is a white hat. but someone has to question his motives and since that is what we do on here…i question everything with a open mind on both sides…today, i'm being a devil advocate on his attitude lately….seems a bit out there….granted he might be a (top) Anon…he could be playing us to discredit "Q" remember no comms…i wish him luck in proving his allegations….no sauce yet though….still waiting…tick tock.
yes….yes it does!!!
but on one side of the fence he is not getting censored so twitter likes him and on the other he does believe in GOD and truth and Law and Order…i'm leaning heavily to the side of GOD, Law and Order…but the twitter thing does bug me.
Honestly I think Twitter is scared to sue a Defamation Lawyer…you know the 1st Amendment shit and all.