Saw this last night. It was the image I was looking for. The NaziVatican image I knew was for a reason [from Q]. The image of the tall man in the middle bothered me and I couldn't place it. But I knew I'd seen the face. Then I realized it was Prescott.
I couldn't find any good images of Prescott on the search engines.
I wonder why?
I had but one and it was of his profile only.
BS Propaganda "The Swiss never Knew"
plus the same dudes were running both sides.
The "Swiss didn't know" is a total lie. Both sides were run by the same folks at the top.
The commies weren't real [socially engineered movement to deflect real change] Neither were the ostensible Christians [perps used it as a cover - as did W. Bush and others] for real practitioners of Christ teaching.
Plus fake name / ID tagged there to what must be Prescott?
On the top tier they are the same bunch.
Just as the "little-guy" Jew is innocent. The "little-guy" Catholic is too. And the two factions are bonded at the top by the true leadership.
"P" whoever that is?
The top insiders were described by whistleblower Barnard recently.
They are "satanists" = say ~"Franks" "atheist / humanist" Liars and infiltrate different orgs?
Neo-cons are homosexual cult, so it is reported or suspected, and Nazi leaders were also?
The man who he's tagged to be tall Nazi in the center, is not correct - obvious from image search on name "Wilhelm Frick"
Must be a cover-up via photo ID mis-direction, as was done with Mengele?
Funny we can tell them by their faces?
To track them one has to follow the money and ? They certainly know Propaganda moves to control the Public / masses - and even historical narrative over long periods of time.