You're overly confident in your ability to effectively use sarcasm about being overly confident. It has no impact on me.
Honestly I have only a finite amount of fucks to give, what I typed is it. If others see it, and they wish to speak, good. This isn't about me.
What part is it, that you say he doesn't know but somehow you do?
Didn't Q also drop about not all anons are authentic? You typing as an anon isn't a guarantee you're authentic.
I think you're projecting your own hurt feelings. I am just calling it as I see it. I see Lin trying to hurt Jenna's feelings as payback for daring to disagree with a tweet.
But they were. The truth was able to get out because Q intentionally acted as an observer of it all. That's confidence.
What Lin Wood said that I used as a means to choose to stop listening to him was how he insulted Jenna Ellis.
I do not accept the narrative that "Pence is a traitor"…yet. You say it like I'm supposed to just accept it because of the narrative that suddenly appeared out of nowhere attacking him 'from within'. NOT ALL ANONS ARE AUTHENTIC.
You can keep listening to Wood as 'smoking out' this or that. I will use other sources. I cannot respect Wood for how he totally disrespected Trump's own legal counsel, and doing so in a way that lacked professionalism and decorum. Your choice who you follow.
Nah, I will not 'hush'. I will speak my mind.
Your attacks on Jenna do not earn any brownie points with me.
Jenna already disavowed that tweet and said she made a mistake. Trump hired her as attorney KNOWING she made that tweet.
Same thing with Wood. If he apologises and recants his tweet, I'll still listen.
The problem with that narrative is that it encourages apathy and disassociation. This is a 'real world' movie. That means everything is on the table. All emotions, even all the ideas about the real world being a movie is on the table.
At some point, significant accusations DEMAND significant evidence.
Seems very intentional doesn't it.
I am inclined to agree that there is a difference between what PEOPLE think and tell you what to believe, and what the Bible says and trusting yourself to make conclusions despite what 'men of God' tell you what to think and insult you if you disagree with one tweet they made.
Who are you really imagining is having those experiences right now after what you read?