Don't you think it's time you utilised your 'assets' elsewhere? Jilted lovers and shadenfreude go hand in hand.
Bait and traps. It's all rigged. Surely you know this.
Words. Apparently you have identified the problems, but nothing has changed. Perhaps it has, but the psyop is dragged out for mileage and additional 'intel' apple bobbing. Very DARPA-like if I was to guess. 'The only way to win is not to playโฆ a funny game'. The only people not playing are the sheep. Get it? The picture has been painted. Fine details are very sought after. One word, one letter, one lieโฆ. can all create the picture required in the prefabrication. Who are the good guys again?
Some people just ruin everything they touch. Mathilda was a lucky one.
Here's an idea. Go away and catch criminals instead of contributing to white genocide.
If there is one thing I have learnt here, it's misery sure does love company. Crabs as far as the eye can see.
I think it's disgraceful to invade ones privacy and home through technological innovation. It's a form of rape.
You're a deadset fuckhead. Gaslighting demon.
What is this and why did you flick it to me?
Can't you see things are getting worse not better? What's wrong with you? Why do you enjoy it so much?
Yeah I'm not interested. Good luck I spose.
A lot of you are genuinely crazy and creepy.
Call who out?
Stuffed if I know. You enjoy itโฆ no way I'd know. Got dragged into this horror show and all I got was 'God woke me up for a reason'. Doesn't seem worth it. After all, I don't recall applying and it was never an aspiration of mine. Someones enjoying it though.
That's classified and there are contingency plans anyway. The only one set to lose is me. Collateral damage. I didn't start any of thisโฆ you knowโฆ from birth and shit.
Well don't. Just do your job. I'll do mine.