Chief Justice Roberts Unusual Adoptions Investigated
John of God was well connected to the political elite who were also linked to sex slave operations.
John of God is pictured in the link below with Marina Abramović.
https. ://www.reddit. com/r/conspiracy/comments/anjfeb/john_of_god_cult_leader_arrested_for_operating/
"In a leaked email between Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta, and his brother Tony Podesta, an invitation from Abramović is forwarded. It reads: “I am so looking forward to the Spirit Cooking dinner at my place. Do you think you will be able to let me know if your brother is joining?”
The act of spirit cooking involves Abramović using [what she claims is] pig’s blood as a way of connecting with the spiritual world, to cook up thoughts rather than food. A video of the practice shows her writing various statements with the blood, such as “with a sharp knife cut deeply into your middle finger eat the pain”."
https. ://wikileaks. org/podesta-emails/emailid/15893
https. ://www.theguardian. com/artanddesign/2016/nov/04/marina-abramovic-podesta-clinton-emails-satanism-accusations
According to Russet, Marina said Tony Podesta has collected her art since the 1990s and he attended the dinner at Sean Kelly Art Gallery.
https. ://www.inquisitr. com/3680559/marina-abramovic-spirit-cooking-wikileaks-john-podesta-tony-podesta-marina-abramovic-and-ulay-the-artist-is-present-jay-z/
Here is a link to her Spirit Cooking book with its creepy “essential aphrodisiac recipes":
"Looking up the woman, gets you her webpage and a graphical book she created. (Archive: http. ://archive. is/15yMm)
And a youtube link on what "Spirit Cooking" actually is by Marina Abramovic herself. com/watch?v=3EsJLNGVJ7E (Archive: https. ://vid. me/EPlE)
And to top it off this lady has TED Talks, interviews with James Franco, connections to JayZ (performing for Hillary in a few days) and well-known in the NY art scene, whatever that means."
https. ://www.reddit. com/r/WikiLeaks/comments/5b1bf8/very_disturbing_thread_between_podesta_and_marina/
Smallville Actress and Sex Slave Groomer Allison Mack has a photo of Marina Abramović posted at Facebook. Ironically it was the last photo Allison Mack posted before arrest on charges of sex trafficking etc.
http. ://I. imgs. fyi/img/34mf.png
https ://www.reddit. com/r/conspiracy/comments/anjfeb/john_of_god_cult_leader_arrested_for_operating/ https ://web.archive. org/web/20190403135042/
Mack was part of the sex slave trafficking organization NXIVM. In turn, NXIVM was a major donator to Hillary Clinton’s campaign and closely tied to Democrat US Representative Kirsten Gillibrand of New York.
https ://frankreport. com/?s=gillibrand https ://www.gillibrand.senate. gov
At the time the adoptions occurred, Roberts was giving legal advice in the politically charged “Hanging Chad” voter fraud for the Bush/Gore Presidential Election. Roberts was right in the middle of it, advising Florida Governor Jeb Bush on legal issues.
Was it a coincidence that the adoptions occurred right when Roberts was in a politically charged situation, where he was advising the Bush Brothers - one of which was the Governor of Florida and the other of which was about to become President?
This was an adoption solution for the well connected at a critical time.
After multiple attempts to adopt an Irish ancestry looking baby, did the Roberts get connected with John of God? Did they know then or later that John of God was operating a sex slave baby farm, and killing the mothers after 10 years of sex service?
Once so compromised, would it explain the otherwise inexplicable decisions of Chief Justice Roberts?
Wouldn’t that be a powerful method of blackmail if true?
Remember that it is Chief Justice Roberts who is responsible for the selection of the secretive FISA judges, who were responsible for approving the illegal surveillance of President and candidate Donald Trump.
https ://
While this proves nothing to the standard of a court of law, it certainly calls for further investigation by those in a position to get at the truth.;page=1