In India a million protestors have gathered in Delhi against tyranny - no masks, no social distancing and not a single case of covid among them. Remind them of the initial propaganda when they had people spontaneously dying on the street - not seen that after initial sell. Why has Fraudci not explained why he sent 7 million dollars to Wuhan Bio-warfare Lab and is super cosey with the dumbocrats. Also, why did China shut down all internal flights but let out 5 million international flights? Why is Wuhan fully open right now without any vaccine? Why are there no FLU deaths? Why is the 2020 death rate less then the 2019 death rate? Why no double blind study of vaccines to ensure safety? Why can't you sue makers of vaccines? Why is CDC fudging numbers and why did WHO get everything wrong initially? Too many coincidences.
nothing more should need to be saidโฆ..
They make BILLIONS from vaccines. They get a real good cut.
Linwood could be set to make BILLIONS from twitter, facebook etc. once section 230 is removedโฆ lots of legal cases to be fought.
I think he is telling them what they want to hear - but inside, he is like, FUCK YOU CCP cunt.
Good man.
What is the point of giving a vaccine to a healthy person with a 99.9% natural immunity - vaccine does not come close.
How they hell did they ever test the vaccine on individuals that have a better immune response then some untested billion dollar vaccine poison? It's beyond stupid.
Danish study proves MASKS DO NOT WORK - they increase pathogen catching capability exponentially - you will get many more pathogens then with no mask. CDC need high case count and masks help with that, just like the idiot Dumbocrats putting elderly in elderly homes to mass murder them.
Why does anyone need a vaccine if there is a 99% + survival rate?
Why does anyone need a vaccine if there are multiple therapeutics available?
Why are they calling this a vaccine if it is an mRNA?
This vaccine stinks to high heaven.
Logic wins.
I hope Q picked a special place for that son of a bitch - don't force satanic shit on us trannyfucker.
If the retards are given the vaccine why would they worried about someone else taking or not taking the vaccine - they are immune (or so they believe)
Welp, only 18 more days until the destruction of the Republic and the USA is down the tubes.
Gosh, Q was right on target on what? Trust Sessions? B2 Bomber "didn du nuffin" Bill Barr? Where's that fucking Durham report? Shoved up Q's ass? Not a fucking thing is what Q was right about.
You loser faggots are all going to FEMA camps. After Jan 6th, our votes will never count again. We're fucked, the whole world is fucked, and there's not a damn fucking thing you are willing to do about it. Lazy pansy-ass starbucks sipping faggots. China owns us now. At least enjoy the next four days until freedom ends forever. Fucking pussies. #MAGA Motherfuckers.
I thought Sydney was from Durham and that is as good as it gets. No?
immune system
COVID19 is not a pandemic, look here: >>12288256
COVID19 is not deadly (compare total death count from 2020 to previous years)
My understanding is that LW said if Pence fails to do the right thing on the 6th then he'd be a traitor (aiding and abetting communist china in their coup attempt) and should be court-martialed. This also applies for the entire congress of course. That is a totally reasonable viewpoint in my opinion.
Tell us how much bigger (big mike size?).
So true - have you seen the vids of bastard politicians wearing no mask, then putting one on as they walk on stage to mic, and then proceed to take it off again. Total POLITICAL THEATER.
As long as he does whatever he can to stop it, he'll be alright, but if he stabs PDJT in the back then God have mercy on his soul.
I don't know what he might have done in the past.
Newbs are gullible as fuck these days.
Learn to discern fucktards.