proof i am the supreme grand master of the proud boys
my wife was 100lbs in highschool when we met and now that cow is 350lb and i havent touched her rotten whale pussy in 5 years. i am proud.
she wanted me to do the laundry. i told that fucking whale she was gonna tittyfuck me while i did her chores. she told me no so i didn't do the fucking laundry. i am proud.
i know it is all over. i had to choose between my prophet Q and my whale-wife. you know i chose my country. if she isn't gonna tittyfuck me while i serve the prophet Q.. I am proud.
I am proud to be American
I am proud to own a bible.
I did vote for Donald.
I do know some of the Bill of Rights.
I can impregnate a goat.
I have read Zeitgiest.
I have seen Loose Change.
I did see the davinci Code Movie.
I do know about the dead sea scrolls.
I know about moon lasers and stolen submarines.
I basically know everything about anything.