no, that is spraying and praying.
DC will be drowning in patriots for Trump. The military will be backing them.
Trump has done so much for us, andhe always wants to stop and talk to us. Shit happens in the gulch. If I'm not there on the 6th I'll be here praying.,
So, if I'm looking at that graphic correctly, Oumuamua basially almost hit the sun head on, and then slingshotted back out in front of it?
the soloar system is not static in space. it moves along the sun's rotating axis.
Trump's choice is to keep following the constitution to the letter, as he has been doing. He has to for any of this to stick.
considering it was made with sandbox, I guess it doesn't matter.
It's still a bad representation because the solar system is basically a very fucking big comet, for all intents.
And yet you continue the viscous circle by posting.. Poor you!
In the solar realm of distance, this anon considers that almost hitting the sun. Mercury can't get any closer without falling in.
I'll concede that the sun would have had to capture it for it to actually hit the sun. it didn't have the track for that though
that depends on how correct the scientists that measured it were.
imo, it came rather close to both. But the sun had the mass to change it's path. the earth did not.
wait till morning, it'll be back to muh baker greif.
that's what I meant by "capture it", probably used the wrong term.
because it would need a completely different track to be "captured into orbit", which is how I think you took what I said.
oops :)
This is pretty cool. How long till all the been here the whole time fags pop out of the woodwork?
Yeah. Ever been through basic training? Ever had a DS smoke you?
Same thing. Get your shit done and discard the noise. Whjatever that shit is. Do it.
Biden won't be conceding. Not after the broadcast not to from his handlers and co-tratiors.
Joe conceding is not what we want anyway. He needs to actually commit to it. THEN he can be arrested.
how? his defense would be that those were the results he was given, and Trump is the one lying.
Joe can not be given that wiggle room.