Anonymous ID: b7d3d9 Jan. 2, 2021, 9:58 p.m. No.12290744   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0759 >>0782 >>0829

I know there are a lot of potential scenarios out there of what is going to happen January 6th, but my mind keeps going back to Q's "what makes a great movie?" crumb: great actors, obviously. And if ever there was a time for a show-stopping performance, this is it.


I think that POTUS and his team will present a mountain of indisputable evidence of voter fraud at the hearing. Some of this will be presented by the MI experts who have been recording every move the perps and their made-to-cheat equipment have made. They and other election experts and IT geniuses will provide unassailable proof of pervasive fraud in GA, PA,MI, WI, NV, AZ and NM, and maybe other states as well, like CA and VA. And to prove motive, I wouldn't be surprised if there were a few surprises thrown in as well, like JA/SR/DNC/Wikileaks bombshells perhaps.


So how does it end? I think Joe Biden was flipped long ago, and is acting for his life, and maybe for Hunter and his wife's lives as well. I predict that after the overwhelming evidence is presented Biden will concede, as likely mandated by his plea deal. This provides POTUS with a clean win, with voter fraud proved and the candidate who benefited from the fraud conceding. No tricks, no invoking arcane rules or procedures that the average person will see as suspect. Sure, the dems and the media will go berserk, but if Joe concedes the blame will fall on him rather than on President Trump. Any protests or violence will be swiftly dealt with by the National Guard, backed up by the military if it becomes necessary. Then declass, indictments, and the arrests begin in public view.