Evidently Dr. Fauci mentioned under Biden there would be required vaccines. We know Dr Fake is a criminal in the medical field and needs to be arrested.
But that being said and the fact that Biden will not be President. We need to remind people of the medicines and pesticides that were approved by the FDA, EPA, CDC and so many others that now have health issues.
Zantac is one of the latest added to the list for causing cancer. Asprin can cause bleeding of the intestines. Synthetic Mono Sodium Glutimate kills brain cells and causes numerous health problems. RoundUp is cancer causing, Mesh treatments for Prolapse result in life long pain and infections. Numerous medicines like Satins have a record of killing people. Many meds do not cure the problem, but only mask the symptoms. What are the real success rates of chemo and radiation treatments for cancers? The only guarantee is that you and your family will be deep in debt.
Is the medical field an entity we can trust with a NEW and UNPROVEN vaccines. For years you could get flu shots that were for the wrong flu. Antibiotics may kill a bacteria, but what negative effects do they have on your body? They are not good for you and there are other better solutions; just not profitable ones.
If we can't trust them with common products, how can we trust them with vaccines.
I might suggest we post medicines, treatments, cleaners, and pesticides which have created health issues over the years which were approved by the government. And each time ask: "Can we trust them with our health, with our family and friends health?" With vaccines?
We need this posted here and on Twitter, Facebook, Parlor, etc. No Vaccine Mandate. NO GOVERNMENT OVER REACH. NO MASKS NO SOCIAL DISTANCING.