>>12294245 lb
Jan 6 attendees
be alert
Always walk and act according to the lifegiving teaching of the Word of God.
Stay dependent on God.
Don't think you can solve this storm on your own, or by the might of mankind.
If God is for us, who can be against us?"
Align your thoughts and actions with God.
Obey God in all you do.
The Bible and its teaching TRUMP all ideas and information that do not align with God's principles.
Shunning is a legalistic approach to people that does not cover sins in grace. We are to be merciful and gracious.
We are to be careful and wise, but at all times pursuing God and HIS pleasure.
Jesus is KING – not one else.
Follow Biblical NT teachings on how to treat others.
Isolation, banning, avoiding, degrading, closing off, removing any information that does not feed you what you want to her to keep your ideas correct is a recipe for failure. EVERYTHING must always be verified. Being informed and aware of what all sides believe is essential.
We must never be unapproachable or out of touch with how others think and feel so that we cannot reach them.
This article is WRONG:
"13. SHUN and chastise anyone who does not follow the above.
Why shun and chastise? Because if conservatives can’t manage to do the above which consists of simply giving up a few games and circuses when others have DIED to protect what we want to defend, they are truly contemptable.
Stop -FEEDING- what we gripe about, what the bought and paid for Rep/Dim UniParty will never fix, and what has just caused what is effectively an election won or stolen by neo-Marxists and Chicom allies!"
They enemy will try to destroy you and get you to sin.
Walk in the spirit, prayerful, seeking God's will at all times and surrendered to God alone. No man is a God, and God will no play second to a human.
Open the net, don't close it or tighten it to being exclusive.
Know truth. God. And obey his word.