And what did your effort achieve?
Out of all this talk about some great awakening Trump's approval has increased a few percent since the election and I doubt that this event you attended will redpill or even influence a single person because those who don't support Trump will not see it and they will not care if they do. Unlike the rallies during the election and the few after, these rallies don't matter.
The idiots here who fall for mysticism about archons and light magic
The idiots that think they're helping by saying "Q is Trump" 12 times a day
The idiots who fall for every Backchannel17 larping faggot because they post similar to Q
More than any shill or troll, the idiots discourage me the most.
Q disseminates information which in my opinion serves very little purpose in actually achieving anything. What it does do however is pacify us to prevent those of us who have the will and the power from taking things into our own hands. It isn't 100,000 retards posting #QAnon on Twitter who convince people to support Trump. Even most Trump supporters don't believe Q is real.