Apr 28 2018 00:02:52
You act as if we haven't talked at length about this. We've created threads, research topics and more about grounded planes, backdoors and retaliation.
I'm really sick of autists not getting credit for work we've already done.
How many times can I yell into an echo chamber?
No single public arrest. Pedophiles still public.
We've lost our jobs over this. Lost friends. Still nothing to show.
this post was answered with the same double talk we get from the dems and we get treated the same nothing changed its all good to tell us to be patience but like the post said we ar losing or jobs homes friends cant put food on table 30 states have started on getting our tax money trump saved us we will be in worst shape than last year we get ignored and told to be patience while trump fixes the world first it may be time to fix america ourselves lets start a q board to see where we stand as in our lives do we have the resources to be patience or not i know this will get buried or deleted but if just one person sees this and pass it on maybe some one will hear us its great that north Korea is playing nice but we need rice at home when is it our time maga is turning into make america great world boss again its time for america for Americans