Archer the big man Bob
He made everyone his bitch he loves to be a real handler…
His name was Robert Paulson Bob…
Archer the big man Bob
He made everyone his bitch he loves to be a real handler…
His name was Robert Paulson Bob…
Archer loves to drink the “cool aid.”
Get rich quick…
Archer where did you hide it all that money…
This archer dude is trying to make me do something… he puts abs owns all you bitch which is female dog I know… then he thinks he owns all the other dogs.
I am sorry I have decided to do nothing now tomorrow why because archer is God of the world…
He goes after people to black mail them sextort them entrap them…
Archer is trying to kill me get me to commit suicide… because well he is a communist stupid mother fucker…
Ir is shocking to me that I’d there was ever white privileged it would not be his name and picture… he digs in the trash looks though mail and will even hack your computer and other…
See archer is a special useful idiot… he always wants a bit.
I am sorry but not I don’t work with him me trying just got cancelled because archer owns egg one apparently… and had no accountability…
I changed my mind… why well archer is making everyone his bitch it is his birthright…
Archer wants me to have bad dreams provoked me gone after every one of my family friend and or other… why well the money…
Not sure why they do this but Girbal had all the answers abs is God…
Sorry as many memes as you flash of military MR T who I love it had become apparent to me that archer is and always will be God… he is a satanist that takes power into his own hands…
Archer is why I will not try tomorrow why… well archer can do it he does not need my help archer is the great savor or the universe he demand free stuff…
He wants me to kill myself… make sure all woman around me are framed and all of my family is subjugated to the Girbal archer he is not a shill he is nsa… and he owns you all… he does it now all the time… he is sick cruel and well cheep…
He is the lowest life form I have ever met…
Why because archer loves to take books in the bathroom… and return them but they will not take them… archer is a real fame fag…
Archer now rules the world… I do nothing to help any team that is archer just like mando… why because they are fame fags… that want to black mail everyone and spy’s on them in the shower… mmmm I guess if I was a girl it would matter…
Sorry Archer I have decide to do nothing… why because archer had now coast everyone there credibility you know why because archer rules the world right and everyone is archers bitch…