Constitutional Attorney and friend of General Flynn, Ivan Raiklin: "New Path to Victory" video.
He actually goes through 2 options. Lays out plan of action for McCarthy, who is very key here and must understand his role fully. (Raiklin tagged him in twitter post as well).
Also he feels Harris is not eligible to be VP. That may be brought into play as well.
Both options possibly lead to contingent or contingent-style election and if Constitution was followed keeps Pres. Trump in office and consequently allows more time for investigation into election fraud, as well.
Vid won't download from Twatter using twittervideodownloader. Vid also on Periscope (links below).
See vid. 10 min.
“Activate Emergency Alert System!” Ivan Raiklin
New Path to Victory! Listen closely!
To: @GOPLeader
Cc: @VP
Ivan E. Raiklin
35.6K viewers
7:08 / 9:49
Periscope vid: