Anonymous ID: 01f22a April 28, 2018, 10:33 p.m. No.1230922   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0945 >>0986

>>1230785 (prev)

They can't really pick up on rv techniques, except spiritually, and if you have a good heart and take the proper steps to protect yourself it isn't a big deal. The bigger danger is delving into free energy device technology. that lights you up like a beacon on their scanners and can get you some unwanted attention from 'them' and they will take advantage of any karmic mistakes you make to authorize themselves to 'bend' their covertness rules and take blatant action against you.


also, getting v& isn't so bad, get tied to a bed, stripped naked, put in a concrete room for a while, then get yourself 'evaluated' and then inevitably let go. Plausible deniability and all, the people showing up and doing it don't know they are a cog in the machine, and just think they are doing their normal job. The real bitch is when they start trying to bill you for abducting you from you own home, that is the bit where you hope you have health insurance.

Anonymous ID: 01f22a April 28, 2018, 10:42 p.m. No.1230997   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1012 >>1026


Yeah, we need more 'ingredient' posts. Baker doens't have to do EVERYTHING, a few weeks ago there was an anon doing end-of-bread 'heel' posts, where he collected his own notables separate from baker, and also linked to next thread.


It would be nice to see someone do something simaler, collect all the spiritual discussion acros a few breads, a make a post each bread on the discussion on that, then some other anon doing the same thing for nsa hacking/survelience type digs, another doing all the ET stuff, another doing political collections, etc.


This would GREATYLY reduce the copypasta from thread to thread as people keep reposting things they think are notable but don't make it into the dough.


if a certain topic doesn't interest you skip the post, if it does hover all the links and see all the stuff that is now copypasted over and over.


this also reduces the 'shill baker' problem as each topic has its of curator, and if someone doesn't like the ways its curated they can make their own.


I mean, plain old bread all the time does get a bit stale, lets put some toppings and shit into it and LET THEM EAT CAKE!

Anonymous ID: 01f22a April 28, 2018, 10:49 p.m. No.1231056   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1080 >>1107 >>1145 >>1273




>>>1230922 (You)


>>that lights you up like a beacon on their scanners


>you sorta understand but not really. There's rules to this game believe it or not. It would do no one any good to try anything with me. So what I die, been there done that…there's nothing to leverage me with…nothing. When you don't give a shit you're impossible to control. Live free or die.


Yes, thats why I said:


>they will take advantage of any karmic mistakes you make to authorize themselves to 'bend' their covertness rules and take blatant action against you.


According to their own rules they can't touch the light workers which are equivalent to medics in combat. unarmed, helping heal injured parties from both sides towards the light, they can't do anything to you unless you cross certain lines, or 'authorize' the karma by your own bad actions. If the universe owes you bad karma, their rules allow them to play out that karma for the universe because they feel 'its owed to you', otherwise mostly they just intimidate and disrupt. (FUD)

Anonymous ID: 01f22a April 28, 2018, 11:18 p.m. No.1231242   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1344


Why do you think potus and Q team are being so careful about this? These people have blown up planets before when they did not get their way. This is where our asteroid belt comes from, it used to be a mega earth, we where the 'little sister' planet and mars was the lil brother until it got nuked to shit and the environment destroyed.

Anonymous ID: 01f22a April 28, 2018, 11:27 p.m. No.1231294   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1300 >>1335


Heres the thing anon, as others have said. money don't matter. but resources do. Earth is mined out, ET's have been stripping this place since before we ever came to be. All the wars and fighting we do now, is over scraps.


Out in our very own solar system used to be a HUGE earth like planet. It was blown up. All the pieces of it are now floating around in the asteroid belt.


Every 'rare earth element' that exists in small amounts down here in the ground and requires tons of searching to find tiny bits of that are hella expensive to extract (like, under the ocean mining operations!?) exist in abundance, out in space, already pre broken up in to small managable chunks.


We go to mars, we goto the astroid belt, everything we could ever desire is out there.



oceans of water frozen as ice, more gold than you could imagine, all those rare earths we need for advanced tech, just floating around for the taking WITHOUT fucking up the ecology of mother earth down here.

Anonymous ID: 01f22a April 28, 2018, 11:45 p.m. No.1231389   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1422


Its hard to talk about balance without being accused of being a draco/satanist but you make lots of good points. Also, I don't trust channels, and even the guides and ET's who have communicated to me I constantly doubt and question. I ask for help with certain things and they either help or can fuck off.


You can't just 'think positive' and say love and light and think you are immune to everything. I am talking about real karma here, and 'walking the walk, not just talking the talk'


light cna't exist alone, it has to shine into the darkness. The deeper and darker pit you crawl into, the brighter you shine, and the more you can help others lost in the darkness, however.. if you choose to 'pick up the sword, and fight fire with fire' using the cabals own dark methods, then you open yourself up to the same kind of attacks in return. "he who lives by the sword dies by the sword"


It is HARD work to 'keep you nose clean' its a lot more than showing up to church on sunday, droping 10% in the bowl, and saying nice things to people. You have to jump in and get your hands dirty and lead by example if you want to attract the attention of benevolent forces who will guide and protect, and to be immune from cabal attacks.


If they violate their own rules they face consequences.

Anonymous ID: 01f22a April 28, 2018, 11:54 p.m. No.1231447   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1475


he's talking about line breaks. Do you know what a paragraph is? It breaks apart thoughts and makes things easier to read. Giant blocks of text with no organization like you posted are literly hard to read. it takes a lot more brain power to decode, and on fast moving threads like this it is important to be easy to read what you post, or people will just skim over it. you cry out (((shill))) but that other dude was TRYING TO HELP YOU get understood by more anons.

Anonymous ID: 01f22a April 29, 2018, 12:10 a.m. No.1231543   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1555






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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/25: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201140002-1


2 Nov 1983

Star people visit

Earth to spread

peace message

The reason for the cover-up is because Many of the' 300 million star

By I.EEDS't'ASZEWSKI the.goverments want to keep the power people do not know who they


Anonymous ID: 01f22a April 29, 2018, 12:13 a.m. No.1231570   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1600


>What kind of protector alienz sit back and watch billions starve…excuses…oh well we'z got to accept them before they halp us..sounds a mite like jeebus to me eh? Insanity….I'll tell you this for free..there's aliens out there flitting about with the "power" to end human suffering right NOW…why not float some bread down to that starving child in ethiopia? Why not shoot down the Enola gay? Why not…it's the same damn question people ask about god…and we still don't have an answer for that.


There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions of ET's here, now, trying to help you wake up. We can't help it if people won't listen to the message, and refuse to believe in our existence.


-with love, from a benevolent draco trying to save your soul.

Anonymous ID: 01f22a April 29, 2018, 12:24 a.m. No.1231620   🗄️.is 🔗kun


More like shine light onto the darkness, and expose the truth so the population can choose its own future and experience real freedom. The worst of the worst will be destroyed, possible. the rest will reincarnate elsewhere and try again, or come over to the light and try to heal.


these cycles are infinite, in a way the whole dying and starting over and forgetting the past think is probably what we asked for. could you actually imagine doing everything for an infinite amount of time, infinitely repeated over it self? i'd imagine things get boring after a while having already done everything an infinite amount of times already…