Anonymous ID: 053795 April 28, 2018, 11:41 p.m. No.1231369   🗄️.is 🔗kun

seen on facebook:


How dare Donald Trump meddle in the affairs of asia and end the 60+ year old Korean conflict? How dare he! He is ripping the very food from the mouths of all the children of the workers who work in the defense contractors who supply the CIA-funded black-market materials to North Korea. With North Korea freed from CIA control, you will have women and youths being paid to make our clothes and shoes instead of nobly languishing in the abject poverty and oppression they have enjoyed for generations.


Shame, Mr. President. When you crush the Iranian regime and free those people where will all that dark-project CIA money go? Do you want to see Mullahs and generals driving around in non-gold plated reasonably priced sedans? We paid good money for these people, Mr. President, and now you are threatening to throw it all away.




The Central Intelligence Agency


P.S. We killed Kennedy. All 3 of them. Deal with it.