Anonymous ID: 09dc0a April 28, 2018, 10:36 p.m. No.1230956   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Brought up in past bread regarding meditation. Just remember, THEY do it, too. On the negative side. Those who are evil see God as Lucifer.


It's almost funny, Lucifer works for God the same way Mueller works for Trump. God created everything. Nothing is separate from God. And appearances are deceiving. "They" love appearances…


My response to the poster describing meditation benefits (it IS relevant to all of this!):


Thoroughly agree! If we can aspire to quieting our mind…. what wisdom could we finally hear?


If you truly want to do this (and no, I'm not trolling), every time you perceive a thought in your mind, stop the thought immediately and blow it out your nose (it's just a symbolic way of getting rid of the thought and you don't have to blow hard). Persist in this and be totally conscious of every thought (that's really difficult).


I haven't made it there…yet, but I'm told if we persist in that, quiet will come to your mind. It is then we begin to listen to the Ultimate thinker (God).


And then you realize that it was God, all along, who was/is thinking and experiencing, through us.


Not as off topic as you might think. I'll leave it there.

Anonymous ID: 09dc0a April 28, 2018, 11:23 p.m. No.1231273   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Karma can be changed by awareness.


Example: throw a tennis ball up against a wall. Like karma, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction (Newton?).


The tennis ball will hit the wall with as much force as you gave it, and the ball will bounce off of the wall and return to you, first in the air, then it will bounce a little, then it will bounce a lot before it returns to you (just our example).


What if…. after throwing the ball, you ran towards the wall and picked up the ball on the first bounce???


You would have eliminated all of the following bounces that would have occurred if you hadn't acted to stop those bounces.


You just changed karma…


Simplistic example? Yes. But true.


Karma CAN be changed!


This is light side stuff. There IS dark side stuff and they do employ it. They have us focus on the negative (news media). If it bleeds, it leads!


There's a reason for that.


When you doubt. When you think in very negative thoughts. And…when you despair!


THEY absorb that energy and become stronger! ("The Matrix?")


SIMPLY don't indulge them anymore. Cut off their negative spiritual energy supply just like POTUS cut off their money supply with those EO's.


Hey, why not. Wan't a drop of a different kind? Here ya go.


You already know that energy exists at the atomic level. What if that energy could be controlled?


What if FOCUSED and PERSISTANT thought moved that energy to create the physical surroundings and circumstances experienced by the thinker?


NOT new age bullshit! (and new age IS bullshit).


THEY know this and use it. Negatively…