Anonymous ID: 363084 April 28, 2018, 10:35 p.m. No.1230942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0958 >>1023




I'm a much better asset where I am. And it is known that any attempt to "put me in the tank' will be met with me..taking my ownself out. That's not going to happen. Where I am…I say what I say…lock my ass up…I ain't saying another word more. (((THEY))) already tried to buy me once. And thanks to the BAF Albanians in Paris that one time…always gonna have a soft spot for Albanians now. (((JIDF))) fek off or I'll start outing your Mossad agents in Oz…kek you all didn't think the sand nigger shit in OZ is "organic" did you? OH and how about that gay "prince" tried to rape a friend of mine eh? FEK OFF.



>we'll all get something out of it.

nope…LOL (((rubs palms))) tell us exactly what you see, give us proof…(((JIDF immediately sends message…change the plan))) how about JIDF keep believing I'm an insane piece of shit rambling madly on the Interbutz.


Sauce? Hot pepper? You realize there's no sauce right? The sauce is a lie. Proof is a lie. Something either happens or it doesn't. Timelines shift based on CHOICE. the choice is not yet made…well one the flipping fuck they get access to his "appearance" schedule…ohh things not quite as sekrit as supposed…clean hands not quite as clean as believed. Fucking trust no one…hell he's safer playing the "poison mug game" with Kim un Jung than he is in London.

Anonymous ID: 363084 April 28, 2018, 10:40 p.m. No.1230986   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1024 >>1056


>that lights you up like a beacon on their scanners

you sorta understand but not really. There's rules to this game believe it or not. It would do no one any good to try anything with me. So what I die, been there done that…there's nothing to leverage me with…nothing. When you don't give a shit you're impossible to control. Live free or die.

Anonymous ID: 363084 April 28, 2018, 10:46 p.m. No.1231034   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1107


>what did you think about POTUS talking about moving the Israeli embassy??

sleepy sleepy…whatever happened to Bibi's corruption case? that melted away….


Theater. Fat dumb and happy, getting what they want…why not?


There are two ways this can go…from within when the hadissam outbreed the secular and take over (soon soon) like rampant muz it cannot be stopped..or from without MAD…because you can't blackmail most of the world for 70 years and get away with it forever. Sooner or later…the self chosen chosen gonna pay the piper.


(how hard is it to be the chosen of your god when you write your own….logic is not very compatible with magical thinking and angry wrathful jealous vengeful gods…yes? no?) BRB writing my chosen script not only wuz I kangz I'z choz to! KEK.

Anonymous ID: 363084 April 28, 2018, 10:49 p.m. No.1231055   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>you made and the corresponding event that was prevented,

my heads up is on here buried in months of bread…the event prevented NEVER would have been was sneaky as fuck and there's no way to prove my saying something about what I saw stopped anything..but one man was…removed and has been incredibly unlike him. NOT naming names..but I did see him as suspect..having the kind of access that I saw…slimey as fuck…and he's gone flat out silent..odd that all his books, television…wonder what happened? Perhaps he got stoned.

Anonymous ID: 363084 April 28, 2018, 10:53 p.m. No.1231071   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>FEAR is your enemy,

KEK…used to be afraid of myself….scary ass shit sometimes.but many many years and COMFY with myself now…and literally fearless. I don't give a shit. It's already been tried. HEH they're starving me to death tho…but creator has a way of looking after those who walk in a good way on this earth and don't sell out.


(dear lawd, I swear, if I can just win the lottery a little bit I'll give most of it away…you know I will!)

Anonymous ID: 363084 April 28, 2018, 10:56 p.m. No.1231091   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1102





surely you know about Harvey Milk, the mind control experiements and Jim Jones…I think the CIA scared even its ownself with that op…nobody really cared, it was a bunch of black people…with a few hippie whites tossed in for good measure. Shot…not poisoned. the day the truth of this shit comes out…we really really do need pitchforks and torches…the french surrender at the drop of a good block of cheese and a bottle of wine, but back in the day…they knew how to pitchfork and torch.

Anonymous ID: 363084 April 28, 2018, 11:05 p.m. No.1231145   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1172 >>1191 >>1192 >>1269 >>1389


>they can't touch the light workers

now that's a load of…light workers are the cause of much evil. Learn the coms…there cannot be light without dark. Toltic wisdoms teach this…the lightworker thing is a psyop. In order for life to exist all things must be in balance. You simply cannot have light without dark, up without down…the fulcrum IS tipped far to the dark at the moment..when we get that far out of alignment is usually when the earth straightens us out …yiin yang is a being in complete and total balance with itself. the "channeled" idea of light workers is a psyop…you've got a lot of things right..but the lightworker thing..people like to believe they are the good ones…love and's a trap and a lie. BE in KANE on Kung Fu…a being in perfect balance with itself is neither evil nor good it merely is…this is hard for people to understand…because people inherently wish to view themselves from a lens of light.


This shit is ancient, and nearly impossible for "normies" to understand. their quest for this perfet rainbow fairy fart world is making things worse…toltic teaching is you CANNOT have a positive without the negative…it is simply not possible. The harder you push for light the more you push the energy bubble the direct opposite.


Never listen to channels…ever…they mix truth with lies knowing humans like pretty words and promises of perfect worlds….reality…what is the nature of it? HUMAN nature is what it is…and that is never going to change. Imagine yourself in an all white room? Bored yet? The dark is the metre by which we are able to experience ourselves and grow…bless those that walk in darkness for they have given us the opportunity to grow.

Anonymous ID: 363084 April 28, 2018, 11:09 p.m. No.1231177   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Q did say they are saving israel for last. At the very least, perhaps (((their))) influence in the world plus the muzzy invasion can be reversed. Contain the first, expel the second. The entire Q project hinges on making this happen.


What will happen to Israel, will happen. If people believe in a 'god" so weak that he needs you to build him a special house so he can come back to visit…you've purchaed the jewish psyop..if you believe that they are've literally bought into their own literature..(say…Isaac, write us a book about how god loves us best and wants us to rule the world)…SRSLY I do not understand this attachment to magical thinking but there was a day long long ago that I too was terrified of god and believed that if Israel didn't get their way in all things…god wouldn't come visit us again. KEK..when I was a child I thought as a child.

Anonymous ID: 363084 April 28, 2018, 11:17 p.m. No.1231233   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1271 >>1327


>I think I'll trust some channels! Thanks for the thought policing though shill!



if you listen..why? what is the food they feed you that you're so hungry for? that you need to believe so badly that you'll set logic aside? what is so different from the channel control mechanism…than from any other religious control? DO THIS..ascend..don't do this…suffer….SRSLY the idea that there is any difference is ludicrous. There is literally no difference. Once people started questioning the main control mechanism..they made some more.


Aliens are indeed real..but if you believe they're coming to save you you've just jumped into another cargo cult. when it comes to deciding about that…I'll let my elders speak…"don't go with them when they come". Now some of my people been flitting about convincing all the "white people"…that's just as evil as the fool channels…I sat back and watched the 2012 debacle with great amusement…how many of your "profits" failed you that year? What were the excuses…when all along folks like me..were saying..ah..ya'll..that 2012 shit is a LARP…nope.


Believe in what you want, listen to what makes you happy…in the long run what's going to happen is going to happen..and no one is coming to save you…kek they might come alright..but if my elder's time keeping memory is any good…they can't take you without your permission so they've been spending a lot of time sending love and light…so basically I should technically say "yes you're right, listen to them…do whatever they say, go with them when they come"..but man..ethics suck.

Anonymous ID: 363084 April 28, 2018, 11:24 p.m. No.1231275   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1395


> precisely because the pendulum has swung too far to the dark

Ah…you've hit the nail on the head without realizing you?


Think of everything as Newton's Third…the eternally swinging pendulm, action, reaction, and we build and build and build..we HAVE slide to the dark we are incredibly out of balance…now think back on when that light worker shit got started…has anything gotten better? NOPE it's gotten worse. The more you push on one side…the harder the other side swings back..the quantum physics of this reality is nearly impossible for people to wrap their brains around. To be in like Kane..or as Steve said "be desireless, be excellent, be gone." It is necessary at times to act (re Kane..) but only to return to neutral.


There's so much ancient shit about the state of neutrality…once you start digging on that..anyway it's not easy to learn. My first teaching on the true path of the warrior took me 15 years to actually put into practice and let go of my "save the world" complex. But once you find neutrality you see the beauty in it…stillness.

Anonymous ID: 363084 April 28, 2018, 11:27 p.m. No.1231298   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1307 >>1348


>hey, who/what ever you are, thanks for your input.

I'm just an old generational medicine man…speaking when I need to and STFU otherwise. We've got millennium of wisdom layer with more comfy top level bullshit. Life is circular, humans have a "nature" like dogs and cats..and by our very nature we decree ..we are what we are, the good, the bad, and the ugly…and we are as we always have been and always will be. But it's the journey..yes? Each to his own.

Anonymous ID: 363084 April 28, 2018, 11:35 p.m. No.1231333   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1392


>This is (((their))) perspective


>This is how (((they))) try and justify karmic torsion


All YE like sheep…a donkey braying in the night…will find a following somewhere.


I left out progression because you're not ready for that answer. Look how angry you got at my previous answer. fear is the root of all anger, fear of being lost, not making the grade, not ascending, not following the rules, headed DOWN rather than up… the great destroyer..the minute YOU believe you need someone/something to save you, you become a slave to those ideas, to that "leadership" to that magical thinking.


Fundamental laws/ unto others…everyone understands that…so why is it so damn hard? I dunno, why not ask the lion to have some lettuce and carrots and not eat that tasty lamb that wandered into his cage.


Way back when ANON was ANON it was truly a hive mind…the population here now knows nothing about stand alone complex…they need a leader, they need assurance…they need to be saved by something.


Ascension….it's just another promise…and another lie..but believe it or not, it's coming from the same damn messenger as all the other promises.


You lost me on the rape a child thing…I do believe (saying gently) that you've completely lost your grip on reality. People are inherently evil. No matter how many child rapists you kill now…there will be more…what is out of balance is we've been sleeping letting their numbers rise…in exchange for comfort the light has been happy to sit in the shade. Sunshine moves the dark but it does NOT eliminate it. What fool thinks that a magic wand is going to be wave and no child will ever be raped again ever?


AH you've got some painful reckonings headed your way…I'm sorry.

Anonymous ID: 363084 April 28, 2018, 11:43 p.m. No.1231382   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1429 >>1543 >>1570


>I noticed that the cia docs released up to this point that mention aliens/ets are entirely negative.


This is a tough one to explain..yes there is off world life…but let's pretend for a minute that Star Trek is real (truth in fiction snatched from the collective conscious)..the "good aliens" aka star fleet..cannot and will not interfere…the bad ones..NEED YOU, they need the energy we generate when we're angry…they need our genes, our DNA, our bodies…what being anywhere that means you well would snatch you up without your permission?


What kind of protector alienz sit back and watch billions starve…excuses…oh well we'z got to accept them before they halp us..sounds a mite like jeebus to me eh? Insanity….I'll tell you this for free..there's aliens out there flitting about with the "power" to end human suffering right NOW…why not float some bread down to that starving child in ethiopia? Why not shoot down the Enola gay? Why not…it's the same damn question people ask about god…and we still don't have an answer for that.


When you're here.


But OTOH there is conditioning..project blue beam IS real (they used it to get mass surrender of Iraqi troops in Desert Storm…don't ask me how I KNOW that one..)….and the conditioning to accept aliens as a savior of sorts…the Iraqi's got a message from Mohammad…so it's always good to be on your guard against that which would pervert and control your mind.

Anonymous ID: 363084 April 28, 2018, 11:50 p.m. No.1231424   🗄️.is 🔗kun



there isn't anything you can say that will change the truth. Sling your arrows all you want..words have been said, words have been read, minds have been …tinged with curiosity…knowledge is free.


God…kek…depends on what you mean…by god You sound terrified to me, flat out scared shitless Crowley…KEK..OMG be afraid.




I'm not converting anyone to anything…you're scared someone might listen to me…and stop being afraid.


Crowley was the exact equal and opposite reaction don't you get it? As MUCH as the Christians who eat the body of christ and drink his blood..(ritually) do NOT want to realize they're participating in a cannibalistic ritual…you are, it is what it is…make all the stories and excuses you want, it's just a different side of the same coin..ritual sacrifice, blood, saved by the blood….the only difference between you is perspective…you believe you're good and light, and they believe their good and light and you're both practicing the same damn thing…and too blind to realize it.


Ever wonder why Cain's gift of fruit and veg pissed 'god' off so much? Why did "god" love that killed bloody burnt offering over fruit and veg?


Sometimes, the ability to think critically can ease fear.

Anonymous ID: 363084 April 28, 2018, 11:54 p.m. No.1231446   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1514


>Evil will try to trick you into rationalization of evil actions

You've done went and lost the plot.


because I recognize that evil exists and always will exist due to the very nature of man..I'm suddenly become a messenger for evil and rationalize it? Well there's absolutely no mystery why they got hold of you so tight. I'm not anyone's much right as you've got to dash about hollering love light and crappiness i've got the same right to KEK…and speak back…but then the free speech of the right only goes so far? or is the right just like the left..things you don't want to hear you attack? STFU you say…well…isn't that special.

Anonymous ID: 363084 April 28, 2018, 11:59 p.m. No.1231478   🗄️.is 🔗kun



You're welcome…thought I'd pop in to send my "message" and dawdle about seeing's (((THEY))) controlled the board most of the day with FEAR shit…and meming because some brit wore a dress like in an "evil movie'…kek….this place is now OWNED. Thought I'd take it back for a few…put things in balance a bit.

Anonymous ID: 363084 April 29, 2018, 12:08 a.m. No.1231527   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1576


>toltec is something

tolten wisdoms are carried currently by Don Miguel Ruiz and his son. generational nagual…he's got some great little books..four agreements, mastery of love (waking from the dream)…dark side of the light chasers is an eye opener…she didn't write much else that "tapped in" but most people connecting with that reality can't handle it at first, I surely couldn't. Many of the toltec things are free online…but as with anything stick with the source..for some reason humans love to form personality cults…Don Miguel is not like that…but people surely do took me a long time to wrap my head around the fallacy of 'prosperity gospel"…we don't want to believe that good and evil can and must coexist..but in balance.


We who wish to minimize pain and suffering must be careful how we push back..the pendulum will strike back..we get to decide how hard it hits us.


As an example look at Germany..there can be only one solution now for what they have created..can you see it? Circular..we are.

Anonymous ID: 363084 April 29, 2018, 12:10 a.m. No.1231546   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1607


>Evil does not have to exist.

KEK…you believe what you must. But, pretend for a moment you've managed to convince every human on earth to be as good as you're pretending to be…now what? If we are here inherently to grow and learn, what then will be our teacher?

Anonymous ID: 363084 April 29, 2018, 12:14 a.m. No.1231582   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1599


>war is going to be eternally decisive…it won't be.

You nailed it. As an example, again, truth in fiction if we may…the book/movie The Stand…recall that an equal amount of people on both sides (good and evil) survived Captain Trips…the people made a stand…for good…went back to their new fresh start…and what's the first thing they did after the smoke cleared? Tried to get back to "normal" by starting up the electric plant.



Anonymous ID: 363084 April 29, 2018, 12:16 a.m. No.1231592   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Expulsion of muslims,

I rather think that it will end again with camps…but that's just me. Create the problem…keep PUSHING AND PUSHING until the other side swings back…and so it goes.

Anonymous ID: 363084 April 29, 2018, 12:18 a.m. No.1231600   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1609


>There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions of ET's here, now, trying to help you wake up. We can't help it if people won't listen to the message, and refuse to believe in our existence.


Sounds a bit like jesus…save me if I believe in you..


why does being "saved" always ALWAYS involve belief in an outside force? I'm "safe" thank you all the same.