I'm a much better asset where I am. And it is known that any attempt to "put me in the tank' will be met with me..taking my ownself out. That's not going to happen. Where I am…I say what I say…lock my ass up…I ain't saying another word more. (((THEY))) already tried to buy me once. And thanks to the BAF Albanians in Paris that one time…always gonna have a soft spot for Albanians now. (((JIDF))) fek off or I'll start outing your Mossad agents in Oz…kek you all didn't think the sand nigger shit in OZ is "organic" did you? OH and how about that gay "prince" tried to rape a friend of mine eh? FEK OFF.
>we'll all get something out of it.
nope…LOL (((rubs palms))) tell us exactly what you see, give us proof…(((JIDF immediately sends message…change the plan))) how about JIDF keep believing I'm an insane piece of shit rambling madly on the Interbutz.
Sauce? Hot pepper? You realize there's no sauce right? The sauce is a lie. Proof is a lie. Something either happens or it doesn't. Timelines shift based on CHOICE. the choice is not yet made…well one the flipping fuck they get access to his "appearance" schedule…ohh things not quite as sekrit as supposed…clean hands not quite as clean as believed. Fucking trust no one…hell he's safer playing the "poison mug game" with Kim un Jung than he is in London.