Anonymous ID: 597428 April 28, 2018, 10:44 p.m. No.1231024   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1071



>When you don't give a shit you're impossible to control. Live free or die.


Truer words have never been said. FEAR is your enemy, and their method of control, a primary one. FEAR is as ((they)) put it, what keeps the windmill turning. Potential energy is big in that. "offer you can't refuse" is how ((they)) operate as far as I can tell.

Anonymous ID: 597428 April 28, 2018, 10:58 p.m. No.1231107   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1177



>otherwise mostly they just intimidate and disrupt. (FUD)


Important. Illusion of 'danger' and 'risk' stimulating fear is how the game is played. Q team pushing 'positivity' in these parts is well intended, and anons feeling extreme negativity from both REAL and perceived dangers need to understand that FEAR based reaction (wham bam, calvary riding in etc) is what ((they)) intend - the obvious knee jerk reaction. You CAN take to the offensive without the said 'source of strength and motivation' - it is a trap in and of itself. Even if you come out on top, you are still on the palm of someone's hand.


Not to say climbing up the top of monkey chain ain't important, but real target needs to be kept in mind. Climbing and crushing those in the way is the byproduct of the process, and without the REAL target in mind, you will ever only be in a stalemate, never escape. Bloodline (family, people) are important…but its protection and preservation/advances cannot be assured without STRENGTH. Real one.




Q did say they are saving israel for last. At the very least, perhaps (((their))) influence in the world plus the muzzy invasion can be reversed. Contain the first, expel the second. The entire Q project hinges on making this happen.

Anonymous ID: 597428 April 28, 2018, 11:11 p.m. No.1231191   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1275



So, much truth in some of the 'rof' threads in glp by said actors? even if it was directly from the mouth of the fucking ((enemy)).


America under much psyop but there is potential there as much as there can be. I love my country even if I do not consider myself a 'textbook' American. It's useful to have the outside perspective now, precisely because the pendulum has swung too far to the dark. It gives me a small bit of edge I need.


wonder where the 'black sheep anon' has gone…we need some more guide posts…


Q operations has 50/50 of getting this right. (((they))) seem TERRIFIED at core atm.

Anonymous ID: 597428 April 28, 2018, 11:46 p.m. No.1231395   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1527



>There's so much ancient shit about the state of neutrality…once you start digging on that..anyway it's not easy to learn.


Perhaps a hint on where to begin? toltec is something I need to read into, but any additional guidelines would be welcome.


If being a monkey is what I need to do…I must do it. We can't work out of this without FORCE. For the sake of the future we need…but I will always keep my eye on the top, on the end 'goal'.


((they)) must be at bear minimum 'suppressed', if not made to FALL. Their 'pets' must FALL ,definitely. We need time, we need resources, and breathing room.

Anonymous ID: 597428 April 28, 2018, 11:51 p.m. No.1231430   🗄️.is đź”—kun



There will always be ways to employ skilled drill workers. World is full of resources that are 'technically' recoverable. 'Economic' recoverability is the myth that blocks the way, which can be loosened. 'cold fusion myth'…about to be disproven just like the rest.

Anonymous ID: 597428 April 29, 2018, 12:14 a.m. No.1231576   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1592



>We who wish to minimize pain and suffering must be careful how we push back..the pendulum will strike back..we get to decide how hard it hits us.


Hence the Q team pushes towards not 'calvary comes riding in' but 'right' solutions. Fucking rape gangs and scum of the sort can be destroyed and suppressed - but it must be done CORRECTLY.


>we don't want to believe that good and evil can and must coexist..but in balance.


Will keep in mind. Thank you.


>As an example look at Germany..there can be only one solution now for what they have created..can you see it? Circular..we are.


Expulsion of muslims, annihilation of 'powers' of brussels and of course their puppets, and generally removing 'bad actors' in conjunction with complete rejuvenation of 'germanic' ideas. Nothing else can save it. Same really goes for much of the west, and possibly even parts of the east. Absolute military superiority is a requuirement, as are Patriot recruits to such cause - force is essential. This obviously cannot be said in open comms by anyone. Telegraphing -stupid.


Time is against us still, but 'light' is still there, and getting a bit brighter.