One of the BOOMs that I strongly think DJT has up his sleeve but which hasn't received much attention from this board is the introduction of revolutionary energy technology which could replace the fossil fuels economy over 5 to 10 years.
The most likely candidate for such a tech is LENRs (Low-Energy or 'Unconventional' Nuclear Reactions, previously known in the 90s as 'cold fusion'). Good summary of what it is and its impact on world economy here:
I mention it in regard to Pompeo's SA trip because Saudi Arabia would lose considerable influence should LENR be adopted worldwide. The LENR tech already exists but Obama and his cabal had too much invested in traditional energy systems (including solar and wind) so they suppressed LENR till now.
However DJT, as we know, has Tesla connections and isn't beholden to BHO's puppetmasters. Just a heads-up fellow Patriots. The LENR MOAB is one that probably needs to get worked into our equation for how things are going to go down.