Anonymous ID: 70dcc7 April 28, 2018, 11:05 p.m. No.1231149   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I'm sick of the waiting.


When are results coming?


When are members of the elite, and the super elite going to be arrested?


Timing is important, but one of the hardest red pills I ever had to swallow…

was that we live in a world, where for thousands and thousands of years, people choose to remain so fucking ignorant ANY SYSTEMIC SOCIETAL PROBLEM IS IGNORED BY THE MAJORITY, UNTIL PEOPLE START DYING.


You want to end fluoridation of tap water? Loooots of people gotta die first. You wanna stop fracking from polluting the land? Oh, yep, lots of people have to die first. You want a hazardous waste company to bring their infrastructure up to code by modern standards, not by "tampered" standards 40 years old? Oh a fuck load of people are gonna have to die there, and not just from hazardous waste. Lots and LOTS of people are going to HAVE TO be "taken out with the trash" because most people are willfully ignorant, and they don't give a fuck about anything outside themselves, until social proof, in the form of pressure from social movements, (most movements being megacorp funded anyway) peer pressure, gets them to chant with a picket sign for an afternoon, once.


There are literally millions of Americans ready and eager to pop the cherry on their rifle, by dropping a violent thug, or his boss, or his boss.


Timing is very important, but you aren't going to get away with "minimal casualties", not with something this big. Not where so many people, are not just in the position of extreme apathy, but in the position of extreme shelteredness, safe spaces, social bubble echo chambers etc. They're in the position of DENIAL, far more serious than apathy. If the last few THOUSAND YEARS are anything to go off of, lots and lots of people are going to have to die first, to accomplish de-corruption "peacefully" or violently.


And if Q team and friends doesn't "set the stage" for a Lexington and Concord, or an Alamo, you know that the bad actors will set one up, just like always, to get people to put their effort into actions which will not have much if any effect on systems in the real world. What the fuck do you think the cabal is going to do when they are totally backed into a corner? They won't even care about winning then, they'll just want to see the dreams and ideals of their opposition burned to ash, drained of all blood. When victory is no longer an option for them, they'll only care about destroying everything you hold true, and sacred.


Forget "fighting" on this board, or anywhere else virtually. Q has already told us that they have AAAALLLL the information, so what the fuck are you going to do?


Stock up on supplies, buy a couple hundred rounds for your rifle, and get practicing. You'll need to have your skills keen.