Anonymous ID: cbfd5b April 28, 2018, 11:10 p.m. No.1231180   🗄️.is 🔗kun


OK anons.

All this chatter about "I DON"T SEE ANYTHING" No Arrests, Nothing, Nothing, etc…

For the Non believers and newfags that are unsure, let me ask you.

WHY ARE YOU HERE? What where you doing before 10/28/17?

Were you making any kind of Difference? Did you even truly know

the MAGNITUDE of what this earth is dealing with?

It's absolutely GOOD V. EVIL!!!

You Cannot expect to take down a CABAL that at the minimum has been planning WORLD domination for at least Three CENTURIES!!!

POTUS & Q are doing exactly what is needed to achieve the END GAME!!!

Look what has happened since the election.

Saudi Arabia - w/U.S.

North Korea - w/U.S.

MASS Pedo ring arrests WW

There is a reason that JS is "The Silent Executioner"

This will take time.

Not on your timeline, your job is to research and disseminate Q drops


THIS IS WAR that "We, The People" must WIN!!!

just like in Baseball.

There's No CRYING!!!