Anonymous ID: cd058a April 28, 2018, 11:30 p.m. No.1231313   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1319


But where is this vehicle? The current location is 18,097,911 miles (29,125,774 km, 0.195 AU) from Earth, moving away from Earth at a speed of 16,228 mi/h (26,117 km/h, 7.25 km/s).


The car is 79,876,259 miles (128,548,419 km, 0.859 AU) from Mars, moving toward the planet at a speed of 21,776 mi/h (35,045 km/h, 9.73 km/s).


The car is 111,383,690 miles (179,254,728 km, 1.198 AU) from the Sun, moving away from the star at a speed of 15,165 mi/h (24,406 km/h, 6.78 km/s).


The car has exceeded its 36,000 mile warranty 3,822.7 times while driving around the Sun, (137,616,394 miles, 221,472,187 km, 1.48 AU) moving at a speed of 63,805 mi/h (102,685 km/h, 28.52 km/s). The orbital period is about 557 days.


It has achieved a fuel economy of 1,092.2 miles per gallon (464.3 km/liter, 0.21536 liters/100 km), assuming 126,000 gallons of fuel.


Assuming the battery still works, Starman has listened to Space Oddity 22,186 times since launch in one ear, and to Is there Life On Mars? 29,895 times in the other ear.


A telescope about 4,275 ft (1,303 m) in diameter would be required to resolve the Upper stage from Earth.


The vehicle has traveled far enough to drive all of the world’s roads 6.1 times.