and I volunteer to hold her arms behind her back. IF I get a swing too. Only fair. Drunken commie witch needs some sense knocked into her or in the alternative all sense knocked into next week. The car in the Ms I'll give you a Lube Job would be worth a fortune in today's dollars. 80 year old speaker? FFS. Pasture time. Got a good sized pasture at Supermax Florence, can't even hit a golf ball that far and it's right next door.
Removed to their home in Switzerland? Still think if Switzerland was leveled, like Bonneville Salt Flats leveled the world would be a better place.
These "elite" criminals have turned our beloved Republic into a laughing stock, a true Banana Republic. A big unforgettable price needs to be paid. When was the last time the Speaker of the House wasn't a falling down drunk? Maybe Ryan but that's a whole other can of worms.
>At least we sauce our shit here, and do our best to stay on the rails.
I'm feeling the same way. He's saying things some of which I want to be true but without sauce it comes across as the rantings of a lunatic. Run with it here, be fully discredited. No thanks. Too much good work done to throw it away. Nothing is worse than dry pasta.
Born and raised in Los Angeles, Monroe spent most of her childhood in foster homes and an orphanage and married at age 16.
Uh… sure.