Anonymous ID: 847880 Jan. 4, 2021, 6:42 a.m. No.12309450   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9530 >>9574



This guy is an excellent writer and thinker, always enjoy his stuff.



"Most of you reading this likely understands how critical thinking takes effort whereas passive compliance is easier; at least in the near term. Very few people want to contemplate the world as a sinister place. After all, they consider themselves intelligent and of good character and so there is less cognitive dissonance for them to perceive government officials, DARPA, the WHO and CDC as trusted servants and protectors.


Furthermore, if nice folks can recycle and lower their carbon footprint for the sake of the planet and don a mask to save lives, it feels good to them. It’s their way of looking out for others and showing respect to a just and moral universe. They have food on the table, gas in their vehicles, electricity, running water, heat and air conditioning. Why rock the boat? Why not just go along to get along? Because, they believe, technology can save them and Covid, too, will pass and all things will go back to normal.


Hope is a beautiful thing, right?


Now consider these questions:


What U.S. president was Operation Warp Speed’s most vociferous cheerleader? What U.S. president wanted the military to administer the Covid vaccines?


That’s right.


Over the past four years, I, personally, enjoyed the presentation of Trump in the same manner I would the ringleader of a circus. Except, in this particular production, the tent has been set aflame by the owners of said circus and no one yet has been, truly, led to safety by the ringleader; nor have the owners of the circus been correctly identified, let alone pursued or prosecuted. But, then again, is that actually the responsibility of the ringleader?


Perhaps the reason for the showman was only to show us the true size of The Borg.


But even if Trump is a true swamp-fighter and retains the presidency for a second term through any number of last-minute options and means, how can we know it’s not merely another circus staged by The Borg?"

Anonymous ID: 847880 Jan. 4, 2021, 6:54 a.m. No.12309574   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9639 >>9869




He touches on some things that are troubling to this Anon. And I don't blame Trump. But the observable facts are that we are continuing on the path toward vaccines, and I have a sneaky feeling we will end up at the point of digital currency, even WITH Trump.


We may see it as the lesser of two evils, or a bitter pill to swallow but with assurance that it can't get any worse. In other words, it probably will end up being a giant Trojan Horse like the Patriot Act. I'm starting to see the scenario unfold the way Catherine Austin Fitts described it in this video.


Lets spin forward a few months in a mental exercise: Trump wins re-election. Deep State is exposed. Tons of swamp rats are arrested. Global pedo rings are exposed. Do we think the overlords go away, or do they double down? If we as Patriots are not prepared to make sacrifices and take steps, then how dumb will we feel having SAT on the SIDELINES for 4 years expecting Q+ team to pull off a miracle?


I guess what I"m saying is that 2021 must be a year of decision, and a year of action. Like Catherine Austin Fitts has pointed out, there are now two clear sides and no middle ground. We are either free individuals, or human cattle.


Uncola speaks of 10,000 little cuts of resistance. Fitts speaks of not supporting any of the 5 pillars that make us slaves. Ayn Rand's verson of this was withdrawing material support and consent, as layed out by her John Galt character in Atlas Shrugged.


There is a patriot in NC who has called for a New Declaration of Independence.



Anonymous ID: 847880 Jan. 4, 2021, 6:59 a.m. No.12309639   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9643




The patriot's name is Wes Rhinier, from NC, and he has written this beautifully:


A New Declaration of Independence


When in the Course of human events which impelled our Founding Fathers to form a new Nation, conceived in Liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created free and equal and endowed by their Creator with the inalienable Rights to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness, they determined to declare the reasons which inspired them to such a noble cause.


Because we hold to these same self-evident truths, we seek to adhere to these same timeless principles and to conduct our lives in a way which shows ourselves worthy of the precious legacy which has been handed down to us by such brave and honorable men.


WE are the worthy posterity of our noble Founding Fathers.


WE are the ones who have kept their Covenant and Constitution.


WE are the ones who recognize and revere the God of nature who has blessed us with the fruits of their labor.


All we have ever required of our fellow countrymen is to respect our Right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness and, in turn, we have respected theirs.


Now our endowed Rights have been stolen by those especially entrusted for their protection.


Those who were created equal to us now think they have been elevated above us merely due to the office they have acquired solely through our good graces.


The Governments which have been instituted among us exclusively for the protection of our Rights, have become destructive of those very ends.


Our Safety and Happiness have been abused and usurped.


The principles upon which our Country was established are now distorted and derided, if they are remembered at all. As all of history shows, the pursuit of such a Government is designed to reduce us to absolute despotism.


Because we understand it is no light thing to alter, abolish or institute new Government, for far too long we have tried to content ourselves while evils were sufferable. But now there is no rule of law and our patience is viewed by our abusers only as consent to more abuse.



Anonymous ID: 847880 Jan. 4, 2021, 7 a.m. No.12309643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9770 >>9819




These are the Facts of the Tyranny we have endured at the hands of our elected Governors, Mayors, Judges, Sheriffs, Police, and various County and City Officials, as well as through their unholy alliance with unelected Unions, Social Justice Organizations, and Bureaucratic Agencies and Social Media:


We are no longer Equal Citizens before the Law or Society. We are divided along non-existent intersectional fault lines and granted special Rights and Privileges based on perceived grievances or denied them according to the same superficial criteria.

We have no Right to the Fruit of our Labor. Our property can be seized and our livelihoods destroyed on the whim of a mob or the arbitrary designation of an elected official.

Our history is rewritten, eradicated, distorted and despised.

Our elected officials issue mandates and decrees with no rational scientific, economic, or legal basis. Moreover, they themselves do not adhere to the same rules they create and enforce under threat of violence.

Our law enforcement punishes the law abiding while cowering before the criminal elements of society. Our judicial system protects the guilty while crushing the innocent with all the power at its disposal.

We are censored, marginalized, and ostracized in the public and private sphere for not championing evil as good and good as evil.

There are no checks and balances within our political, judicial or economic systems. An unholy alliance between these three segments of society forms a bulwark which allows for no questioning or redress.

Our religious Liberty is trampled upon, our churches are locked down as “non-essential” and our deeply held convictions are banned as “hate speech.”

Our families endure never-ending attacks and an uncertain future from the constant upheaval of random interference and overreach. Our children are denied their education, normal interaction with relatives and friends, and every hallmark of childhood itself.

Our last check on Tyranny, which are free and fair elections, is nothing but a charade. Outcomes are predetermined, fraud is rampant, and there is no recourse.

Because of their insatiable thirst for power, ignorance of history, arrogant and incorrect assumptions, intolerance for freedom, and contempt for their own heritage, these Tyrants and traitors within seek to conform us to their own will and unachievable Utopian vision. But because of their rejection of the God of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, they can only create a Hell on earth. This is a vision we reject and an agenda with which we cannot and will not comply. Because our abusers will never relent, they must be ended. We understand what this will entail, what will be required of us, and the personal cost we may well have to pay, but Freedom is so dear and our Legacy so worthy, that we are ready for this great undertaking.


Knowing that our God is Faithful, our Cause is Just and our Liberty more precious than Life itself, we take up our Founder’s mantle and engrave on our hearts the words of their Great Seal: Tyrannis Seditio, Obsequium Deo “Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God.”





