Anonymous ID: fa9d45 Jan. 4, 2021, 7:27 a.m. No.12309945   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Forgive me. I need to vent…

We need a win…yesterday I thought I didn’t get my hopes up about NP not winning, I told myself she was going to win, but my heart prayed she didn’t. My household is all pro trump, but the tension is rising.

POTUS said we would get tired of wining…4-10-20 has had an answer to every thing that they threw at him…leads me to believe this is it. I pray he is re-elected…but he’s been shot down every step of the way…

Mom anon trust the plan, dad anon is ready and wants civil war. Wife anon loves trump but doesn’t believe, and here I am, floating in limbo. All I every want is for someday the normies to say…omg u were right. Not because I crave to be right, but because I crave America awakens…The sheeple just follow what there told. I don’t see how that will change.

My philosophy is when tshtf…my family is number 1 priority…anyone who enters my property only gets one warning…I’ve spent the last 3 years hoping and preparing. If potus is re-elected I want traitors to get the rope, every last one. If this has been a ploy…well, let the games begin…

Respectfully yours…


P.s. sorry to be a concernfag…wwg1wga!