Anonymous ID: 24f8ea Jan. 4, 2021, 9:31 a.m. No.12311381   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>12308395 (pb)

>>12309896 (pb)

There is a particular dimwitten anon here that completely misunderstood my earlier post here.

I never said that footage like this does not exist.

I said learn to use your brain and exercise discernment.

Until yesterday I would have guessed LW's sauce must be solid, trust Lin. Why else would he say something like that.

But now Lin says that origin of the sauce is lizard squad, people who were convicted in the past and possibly offered leniency in return for becoming assets for our three letter agencies.

Sauce like this is either released by white hats or black hats, nothing else makes sense to me, since information like this will be well guarded. So either white hats used lizard squad -Kappy -> LW as a vector to get it out or black hats did. In the second instance it would serve as a means to muddy the waters and introduce fake footage to discredit the real footage.

If you ask me which alternative is most likely, today I tend to chose the latter, yesterday I would have guessed the first.

Credibility is everything in information warefare, I rather exercise caution in this case.

I used to get shit from anons for pointing out that the narrative LW points out seems to be correct even if little details might be wrong (for instance whether JR's children were adopted from Wales vs. Ireland), but now I absolutely urge anons to stay extra skeptical because if all of a sudden clips emerge and it turns out they are fake, it's going to be hard to later introduce the real evidence and convince the public that this is really going on.