Anonymous ID: 283ef8 Jan. 4, 2021, 10:30 a.m. No.12312091   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You will be attacked as long as you keep posting shit on the board

Im a lurker and very seldom place anything or opinion on the board

BUT when pedos and shit stirrers like you post shit on the board I respond

the animes started this shit before the election and you must be one of them

because you simply carry on and carry on and on and on

every bread this shit is posted and I will respond so carry on I have plenty of time

been on pension for 15 years and spend most my time here to see what the Demon rats that fucked my country up will get for cheating in America Hope they all hang em high

and you will get it all the way stirrer

Trump all the way !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!