Anonymous ID: a0cf8e Jan. 4, 2021, 10:15 a.m. No.12311894   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>12311350 (pb)

>but I'm seeing daily A LOT of people just jumping ship and saying "OH WELL, yeah he stole it, but what can we do about it."


This was the exact mindset of most Americans after the House Select Committee on Political Assassinations determined in 1978 that that there was likely a conspiracy to assassinate JFK.


The difference HERE anon is that millions of American People can PREVENT another successful coup d'etat against a sitting American President. So imagine all of us knowing beforehand what was planned for Jack Kennedy on November 22, 1963.


The bittersweet irony here is that the Plan was likely developed by Patriots who had friends or family in the Military/Government who KNEW it was a conspiracy the moment it happened. Despite knowing this, there were powerless to move against the true conspirators.


Does anyone here think for a NANOSECOND that THIS generation of Patriots is going to let [them] get away with this current coup and let this Greatest Evil to regain power? Not on their LIVES will this be allowed.

Anonymous ID: a0cf8e Jan. 4, 2021, 10:29 a.m. No.12312068   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2220


The Debt, the Fed will both go away and all [their] gold are ours along with all real property, tangible assets, in particular all the CCP's holdings including ALL ITS RARE EARTH METALS portfolios. Our expanded Fort Knox and all other precious metals repositories with runneth over with CCP, cabal, Bank of England and Vatican Bank GOLD as the EOs against Human Trafficking and Election Interference are implemented. We will be back on the Gold Standard, with ALL THE CHILDREN SAVED AND PROTECTED as these subhuman scum rot somewhere where they have to "pipe-in sunlight" until their last day finally arrives.