Anonymous ID: c238d3 Jan. 4, 2021, 9:54 a.m. No.12311664   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1703 >>1777 >>1781 >>1968 >>1984 >>1988 >>2168 >>2327 >>2343

GA Court Denies Stacy Abrams Effort to Block Poll Watchers And Election Observers During Senate Run-Off


The failed gubernatorial candidate was denied her attempt to keep a voter integrity group from challenging ineligible voters from stealing the Jan. 5 twin run-off elections


Stacey Abrams, who lost her bid to be Georgia’s governor by over 50,000 votes but still refuses to concede, lost another high-profile battle, this time in a federal court of law.


Federal District Court Judge Steve Jones, an Obama nominee, rejected a request Friday to bar an election integrity group from challenging the eligibility of suspect voters in Georgia.


Fair Fight, a group that claims to fight voter suppression, filed a request for the order. Fair Fight was founded by failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, a Marxist-Progressive Democrat.


Abrams has been at the epicenter of several issues involving activist groups in the run-up to the 2020 General Elections and the January 5, 2021, US Senate run-off elections in Georgia between incumbent Republicans Kelly Loeffler and David Purdue, and their Democrat challengers, Rev. Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff, respectively.


The Fair Fight group accused Texas-based True the Vote, a group chartered to protect the integrity of elections, of engaging in a coordinated campaign to harass and intimidate voters across the State of Georgia.


But, Judge Jones’ 29-page ruling said Fair Fight didn’t provide evidence supporting that claim.


“While the Court does not doubt that Doe Plaintiffs have legitimate fear of retaliation, there is insufficient evidence at this point to connect intimidation or harassment (real or attempted) to Defendants. At this stage, the connection to Defendants is too tenuous to find they have violated” the law, Jones wrote.


True the Vote Wins Preliminary Court Battle Against Stacey Abrams' Fair Fight in Georgia #EyesOnGA #GAValidateTheVote


— True the Vote (@TrueTheVote) January 3, 2021


However, Jones did not dismiss the case with prejudice saying the case wasn’t over. He called the challenges to voters just weeks before the Senate run-off elections “suspect.”


“The Court will not abide attempts to sidestep federal law to disenfranchise voters. Nor will it tolerate actors brandishing these voter challenges to intimidate and diminish the franchise, for such acts diminish democracy itself,” Jones said. “But the Court must rely on proper evidence and facts to determine whether these acts have in fact run afoul of federal law. The Court looks forward to seeing what evidence the Parties bring to bear.”

Anonymous ID: c238d3 Jan. 4, 2021, 9:56 a.m. No.12311683   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1781 >>1968 >>2168 >>2327 >>2343

The Great Reset: Bannon Interviews Archbishop Vigano – ‘Biden An Irreparable, China-Complicit Disaster’


The exclusive transcript of an interview conducted by War Room show host and former White House Chief Strategist Stephen K. Bannon with His Excellency Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop. The National Pulse is publishing the interview – which primarily concerns the Catholic Church, the deep state, and the key actors involved – without edits.


Bannon: Now that the Vatican has renewed its insidious secret agreement with China, a deal which you have repeatedly condemned as promoted by Bergoglio with the assistance of McCarrick, what can the “children of light” of the Great Awakening concretely do to undermine this unholy alliance with this brutal Communist regime?


Vigano: The dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party is allied to the global deep state, on the one hand so that together they can attain the goals that they have in common, on the other hand because the plans for the Great Reset are an opportunity to increase the economic power of China in the world, beginning with the invasion of national markets. At the same time that it pursues this project in its foreign policy, China is pursuing a domestic plan to restore the Maoist tyranny, which requires the cancellation of religions (primarily the Catholic religion), replacing them with a religion of the State which definitely has many elements in common with the universal religion desired by globalist ideology, whose spiritual leader is Bergoglio.


The complicity of Bergoglio’s deep church in this infernal project has deprived Chinese Catholics of the indefectible defense that the Papacy had always been for them. Up until the papacy of Benedict XVI, the papacy had not made any agreements with the Beijing dictatorship, and the Roman Pontiff retained the exclusive right to appoint bishops and govern dioceses. I recall that even at the time of the Bill Clinton administration during the 1990’s, former Cardinal McCarrick was the point of contact between the deep church and the American deep state, carrying out political missions in China on behalf of the US administration. And the suspicions that the resignation of Benedict XVI involved China are quite strong and coherent with the picture that has been emerging in recent months.


Thus we find ourselves faced with an infamous betrayal of the mission of the Church of Christ, carried out by her highest leaders in open conflict with those members of the Chinese Catholic underground hierarchy who have remained faithful to Our Lord and to His Church. My affectioned thoughts and prayers are with them and with Cardinal Zen, an eminent confessor of the faith, whom Bergoglio recently shamefully refused to receive.



Anonymous ID: c238d3 Jan. 4, 2021, 9:58 a.m. No.12311697   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1781 >>1968 >>2036 >>2168 >>2327 >>2343

State Supreme Court Bars Victims of Police Crimes from Seeking Punitive Damages in Lawsuits


Over the years, the Free Thought Project has run many headlines with the phrase “taxpayers held liable” included in it after cops were caught maiming, raping, kidnapping and killing people. Many of these excessive force, murder, and wrongful arrest lawsuits were brought against police departments because the departments and prosecutors refused to hold the offending officers accountable and lawsuits were the only form of justice the victims could seek.


While no amount of money can ever undo the damage caused by some of these officers, it was at least some form of seeking justice. In Iowa, however, all that is changing after the Iowa Supreme Court just severely limited the amount of financial damages a victim of police crimes can be awarded.


Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller, a Democrat and the longest-serving attorney general in U.S. history, with four decades in the role, is a friend of bad cops. According to a recent investigation by the Associated Press, Millers office has failed — quite possibly deliberately — to convict and cop in the state since 2004. And, in the last 16 years, he’s brought charges against just two cops.


Clearly, Miller has a bias toward police and for decades, abusive cops have enjoyed a sort of immunity under his tenure. Citizens who were abused by police or family members of those killed by police have been forced to seek justice through civil lawsuits, seeking punitive damages. Now, however, thanks to an initiative brought forward by Miller, the Iowa Supreme Court just severely limited the financial damages that can be awarded for injuries and deaths caused by state police officers who are found to have used excessive force.


In a 6-1 decision, the court ruled that punitive damages, which are intended to punish and deter future criminal behavior by police, are not available in cases in which officers use excessive force in violation of constitutional rights.

Anonymous ID: c238d3 Jan. 4, 2021, 10:02 a.m. No.12311738   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1755 >>1776

CAUGHT ON TAPE: Brad Raffensperger Begged For Chinese Votes


Georgia Has A Manchurian Secretary of State?


Georgia Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger was placed into office in the Georgia House of Representatives in 2015 by a powerful network of Mandarin-speaking Chinese people in the United States of America. NATIONAL FILE has obtained video of Raffensperger speaking at an event with Mandarin-speaking Chinese people, begging the Chinese people to get him more than 100 votes to secure his victory in the election (which he ended up winning by 159 votes). A Mandarin-language newspaper even explained the strategy to place Raffensperger into office by use of “absentee ballots” that could be obtained by one Chinese person and distributed to others. Raffensperger is trying to stop Communist China’s geopolitical foe President Donald Trump from gaining a proper accounting of the votes in the 2020 presidential election.




HERE IS A LINK TO A MANDARIN-LANGUAGE ARTICLE FROM 2015 in the “Atlanta America Chinese Life” publication at, a publication supporting Democrats in the January 2021 Georgia U.S. Senate runoffs (the article can be translated into English via Google Translate, and states the following — emphasis added:)


“One of the reasons why we did not participate in elections in the past was that “one more vote, one less vote has no effect on the results of the election.” This time is different. In the first round of election, there were only two candidates left in the 50th District of the House of Representatives where Johns Creek was located: Brad Raffensberger (sic) and Kelly Stewart. They are all conservative Republicans, with almost the same political opinions. Only 2,500 of the 25,000 voters in the first round voted: Brad was only 26 votes behind Kelley.


Brad took the initiative to approach the Asian community to understand and listen to our voices. He visited the Chinese Dance and Culture School in the city center the previous weekend. Last Saturday he visited the Atlanta Modern Chinese School with more than 500 students. On Sunday, he hosted 30 Chinese at home to talk about his ruling philosophy. As a city councillor, he also participated in the award ceremony of my boy scout team and spoke on behalf of the city government…


According to statistical calculations, we only need 100 Chinese votes this time to determine the outcome of the election and make Brad a victory. He will represent our voice in the state legislature in the future. We have already boasted about Haikou with him and guaranteed 100 votes. This is an excellent opportunity for us Asians to show their strength. Your vote has never been so important. Election day is Tuesday, February 3. If you can’t vote in person on the day of something, I can apply for an absentee ballet (sic) for you. After you receive it, you can fill in and send it out. Due to the tight mailing time, if you need, please email me

Anonymous ID: c238d3 Jan. 4, 2021, 10:03 a.m. No.12311747   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1770 >>1781 >>1968 >>2168 >>2327 >>2343

New lockdown in Scotland with public legally required to stay home amid spread of new Covid-19 variant


Scotland will enter national lockdown from midnight, with people legally required to stay at home until February, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has said, warning that existing Covid-19 rules may not be enough to stop its spread.


“It is no exaggeration to say that I am more concerned about the situation we face now than I have been at any time since March last year,” Sturgeon said on Monday as she outlined the new lockdown in parliament.


The first minister said that the country’s current Level-4 measures may not be sufficient to stem the spread of a more transmissible Covid-19 variant first discovered in England but which has spread across the UK and the world.


Scotland’s new legally enforceable measures mean that, from Tuesday, people will only be allowed to leave home for essential activities such as food shopping, while people able to work remotely have been ordered to do so.


A maximum of two people from different households will be allowed to meet outside, while a border shutdown bans people from moving in and out of the country. Places of worship will also be closed.


Schools will remain shut until February, with Sturgeon saying that community transmission of the virus needed to come down before they would be allowed to reopen, with a review of the measures on January 18.


Only Scotland’s island areas are to remain under the country’s less severe Level-3 measures, Sturgeon said, although the situation will be closely monitored.


The first minister said that a further 1,905 new cases had been reported in Scotland on Monday, with 15 percent of tests bringing back a positive result.


She also added that at least 100,000 people in Scotland have been inoculated with Covid-19 vaccines so far, and that the first Scots to receive the University of Oxford-AstraZeneca jab will get it on Monday.


The Scottish lockdown raises questions for UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson who has been called on by medical experts and the opposition Labour Party to introduce a national lockdown in England in response to consistently high Covid-19 infection rates.

Anonymous ID: c238d3 Jan. 4, 2021, 10:04 a.m. No.12311756   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1769 >>1781 >>1786 >>1968 >>2168 >>2327 >>2343

‘It’s shocking’: China Daily chief calls out NYT, WaPo, & Australian PM for refusal to defend Julian Assange


China Daily EU bureau chief Chen Weihua publicly shamed the New York Times, Washington Post, and Australian PM Scott Morrison for their lack of support for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange as he faced extradition to the US.


In the early hours on Monday – the day Assange faced extradition in a trial at London’s Old Bailey court, which was ultimately rejected – Weihua tweeted, “It’s shocking that none from New York Times and Washington Post [are] coming out to support Julian Assange.”


He also took aim at the Prime Minister of Australia, where Assange was born, calling it “shocking” and a “shame” that Morrison has been “dead quiet about the greatest Australian citizen.”


It’s shocking that none from New York Times and Washington Post coming out to support Julian Assange. And also shocking that Australian PM Scott Morrison is dead quiet about the greatest Australian citizen. Shame.

— Chen Weihua (陈卫华) (@chenweihua) January 4, 2021


Weihua tweeted and retweeted several posts calling for Assange’s release, and signed a statement by international journalists in support of the Wikileaks founder, putting most Western reporters – who have stayed silent on the matter – to shame.


Free Assange Now

— Chen Weihua (陈卫华) (@chenweihua) January 3, 2021


Though the New York Times has defended Assange in the past, it did not publish any article in support of the Wikileaks founder in the lead-up to his extradition trial on Monday. The only pieces the paper has run with are Sunday’s straight explanation piece about the trial – which included the claim that Assange had been “criticized as a publicity seeker with an erratic personality” – and a defense of Assange by documentary director Laura Poitras on December 21.


Back in May 2019, the NYT’s editorial board defended Assange against the US Espionage Act charges, but this piece was also critical, describing him as “no hero.”


Like the NYT, the Washington Post published straightnews articles on Assange’s trial, but no editorial board defense.


In one of its news pieces, the Post opined that the trial “could have profound implications for press freedoms,” but it has a track record for attacking the Wikileaks founder, with headlines that included “Julian Assange is not a free-press hero. And he is long overdue for personal accountability.”


The Australian Prime Minister has repeatedly demonstrated that Assange’s home country would not stick its neck out to support him. Morrison declared in 2019 that he would not receive any “special treatment” from the Australian government, and has rejected pleas from Assange’s family and friends to intervene in the matter.


Judge Vanessa Baraitser ruled against the extradition of Assange to the United States on Monday, citing both the risk to his mental health and the fact that conditions in US prisons breach Britain’s human rights laws.

Anonymous ID: c238d3 Jan. 4, 2021, 10:06 a.m. No.12311784   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1846 >>1865

Trump Criticizes Tom Cotton For Refusing To Object To Election Certification


President Donald Trump criticized Republican Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton after he announced he will not object to the certification of the 2020 election Wednesday.


“How can you certify an election when the numbers being certified are verifiably WRONG,” the president tweeted Monday morning. “You will see the real numbers tonight during my speech, but especially on JANUARY 6th. @SenTomCotton Republicans have pluses & minuses, but one thing is sure, THEY NEVER FORGET!”


Trump later tweeted that the “Surrender Caucus” in the Republican Party “will go down in infamy as weak and ineffective ‘guardians’ of our Nation, who were willing to accept the certification of fraudulent presidential numbers!”

Anonymous ID: c238d3 Jan. 4, 2021, 10:07 a.m. No.12311804   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1968 >>2168 >>2327 >>2343

‘New Year, Same Scandal’: Farage Releases Footage of First Boat Migrants Landing After Brexit


Brexit leader Nigel Farage released footage at the weekend of what appear to be the first illegal boat migrants landing in Britain following the country’s departure from the European Union.


In releasing the footage, Mr Farage remarked on social media: “New year, same scandal” as British Border Force officials were seen taking the migrants ashore after travelling across the English Channel from France.


BBC reporter Simon Jones confirmed the crossings on Sunday, saying that there were 10 migrants brought ashore at the Port of Dover on Saturday.


Jones reported that the Home Office claimed that French officials had stopped an additional twenty migrants from making the treacherous journey.


A spokesman for the Home Office said: “We have already made changes to the Immigration Rules which ensured that when the UK was no longer subject to the Dublin Regulation, there is continuity in our legal powers to treat cases as inadmissible if they involve a claimant who has travelled through the EU.”


Home Secretary Priti Patel has vowed to “crackdown on illegal immigration and reform the broken asylum system” following Brexit, however, it remains to be seen whether the nominally Conservative government will implement a tougher system.


While the UK has left the EU’s Dublin agreement asylum system, the country has yet to secure an agreement with the bloc or indeed any individual country on returning illegal migrants.


New year, same scandal.


— Nigel Farage (@Nigel_Farage) January 3, 2021


Following Brexit, the UK should be able to start rejecting asylum claims from migrants intercepted at sea, however, some lawmakers have called on the government to implement a ‘stop the boats’ policy, such as the one implemented in Australia.


The Conservative Party MP for Dover and Deal, Natalie Elphicke said: “We need the French to stop the boats leaving in the first place, return boats in the Channel to France instead of bringing them into Britain, and return people who come into our country through these routes.”


“All options must be on the table,” she added.


An analysis conducted by the Press Association found that the number of illegal migrants who were brought ashore in Britain last year quadrupled the total for 2019, with at least 8,417 landings in 2020 compared to 1,890 in the previous year.


The true number of crossings is likely to be much higher in reality, however, as the figures do not account for those migrants who landed in the country clandestinely.


Take Back Control? 2020 Saw the Europe Migrant Crisis Land on British Shores


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) December 28, 2020

Anonymous ID: c238d3 Jan. 4, 2021, 10:08 a.m. No.12311811   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1827 >>1968 >>1992 >>2077 >>2168 >>2327 >>2343

Infected Until Proven Immune? UK Health Secretary Demands Everyone Behave ‘As if They Have the Virus’


Health Secretary Matt Hancock took aim at the British public’s “behaviour” on Monday for the spread of the coronavirus, going on to demand that everyone should act as though they are already infected with the virus.


Mr Hancock refused to rule out further lockdown restrictions in response to the supposedly new strain of the Chinese coronavirus — and indeed further lockdown is expected Monday night — but did take the opportunity of a morning press tour to place the burden of success in fighting the coronavirus on how the British people choose to act.


The Health Secretary said that because the variant is much more transmissible than previous strains, everyone in the country should behave “as if they have the virus,” which presumably includes those who have received the coronavirus vaccine.


“The Prime Minister has clearly said that it is likely that we are going to need some more measures,” he said on LBC radio.


“It’s not just about the measures that we introduce. It’s actually about all of us. It’s on all of us to act in a way that reduces the spread and this new variant is really, really difficult,” he added.


Mr Hancock doubled down on the finger-wagging, telling Sky News that the success of Tier 4 lockdown restrictions will be “down to people’s behaviour”.


Continuing his Monday morning media blitz, the Health Secretary appeared on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme to pronounce that “old tier system” in England was “no longer strong enough” to stem the tide of rising infections in the country.


Third Lockdown Threat Intensifies: Boris Suggests Tougher Coronavirus Measures Ahead


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) January 4, 2021


Aside from not ruling out further lockdown restrictions, Mr Hancock said that it would probably not be until Easter that life could return to some sort of normality, despite the massive vaccination push underway in the country.


Over three-quarters of England are already under Tier 4 lockdown restrictions, under which people are prohibited from leaving their homes except for a few exceptions. All “non-essential” shops are also barred from operating under the restrictions.


Those found to be violating the draconian measures face penalties of £200 for the first offence, doubling each time for further offences, with a maximum penalty of £6,400.


If the government deems that an individual was involved in staging or being “involved” in an illegal gathering of over 30 people, police can issue fines of £10,000.


On Sunday, Prime Minister Boris Johnson warned of “tough, tough” weeks to come, pronouncing that the current lockdown regime “probably about to get tougher”.


Delingpole: Bojo Tweets Praise for the Great Reset. Strap in Everyone, 2021 is Going to be a Wild Ride


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) January 1, 2021

Anonymous ID: c238d3 Jan. 4, 2021, 10:11 a.m. No.12311843   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1968 >>2168 >>2327 >>2343

New Independent Drug Group Discovered in Mexican Border State


A stash house raid in a Mexican border state led to the discovery of an independent drug smuggling organization in Nuevo Leon. The gang was storing drugs, weapons, and body armor with local police insignia.


The event took place in Monterrey when detectives with the Nuevo Leon State Investigations Agency raided a stash house filled with meth and marijuana. The house belongs to an unnamed organization led by a man known as “El Profe,” according to U.S. law enforcement sources in Mexico.


Authorities seized close to 60 pounds of meth, 900 pounds of marijuana, and weapons. Investigators are also trying to determine if the body armor is official issue or cloned.


During the raid, authorities arrested Jesús Ángel “Pichuca” Alanís Treviño, Jesús “El Grande” Aguirre Alvarado, Irving Salazar López, Juanita García Sánchez, and an unidentified minor. Police learned the group works independently from the major cartels in the region. A background investigation revealed that Pichuca was previously convicted of aggravated assault, other violent crimes, and immigration violations in Texas.

Anonymous ID: c238d3 Jan. 4, 2021, 10:14 a.m. No.12311882   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1902 >>1968 >>2168 >>2327 >>2343

A Printer in Michigan Printed Tens of Thousands of Excess Pennsylvania Ballots Which Were Shipped to New York and Fraudulently Filled Out Before Being Delivered to Pennsylvania


More details regarding the truckloads of ballots shipped from New York to Pennsylvania has been uncovered. These ballots were printed in Michigan and sent to New York.


Patrick Byrne released breaking information this morning on fraudulent ballots in Michigan:


Byrne notes that a printer in Michigan printed ballots for Pennsylvania. This printer then prints additional ballots that somehow make it to Bethpage, New York. In New York, ballots are processed for Joe Biden by individuals who are not the people identified in the ballots. This was a massive election fraud enterprise:


This is all supported with documents and affidavits, etc.:


We reported on this story a few weeks ago before some of the additional information from Byrne was released:

Anonymous ID: c238d3 Jan. 4, 2021, 10:16 a.m. No.12311909   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dirtbag Georgia Secretary of State to Hold Press Conference at 3 PM


The liberal media exploded over the weekend after audio was released of President Trump’s call with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.


President Trump held a one-hour long phone call on Saturday with crooked Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and state election officials on the 2020 election in his state that was wrought with fraud.

President Trump went over several instances of fraud involving tens of thousands of illegal ballots including the suitcase scandal at the State Farm Center.

Anonymous ID: c238d3 Jan. 4, 2021, 10:19 a.m. No.12311941   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1958 >>1968 >>1986 >>1993 >>2168 >>2327 >>2343

Moderna admits here that what they inject now is an “operating system.”


Enabling Drug Discovery & Development


We built Moderna on the guiding premise that if using mRNA as a medicine works for one disease, it should work for many diseases. And, if this is possible – given the right approach and infrastructure – it could meaningfully improve how medicines are discovered, developed and manufactured.

Our Operating System


Recognizing the broad potential of mRNA science, we set out to create an mRNA technology platform that functions very much like an operating system on a computer. It is designed so that it can plug and play interchangeably with different programs. In our case, the “program” or “app” is our mRNA drug – the unique mRNA sequence that codes for a protein.


We have a dedicated team of several hundred scientists and engineers solely focused on advancing Moderna’s platform technology. They are organized around key disciplines and work in an integrated fashion to advance knowledge surrounding mRNA science and solve for challenges that are unique to mRNA drug development. Some of these disciplines include mRNA biology, chemistry, formulation & delivery,


Our mRNA Medicines – The ‘Software of Life’


When we have a concept for a new mRNA medicine and begin research, fundamental components are already in place.


Generally, the only thing that changes from one potential mRNA medicine to another is the coding region – the actual genetic code that instructs ribosomes to make protein. Utilizing these instruction sets gives our investigational mRNA medicines a software-like quality. We also have the ability to combine different mRNA sequences encoding for different proteins in a single mRNA investigational medicine.


We are leveraging the flexibility afforded by our platform and the fundamental role mRNA plays in protein synthesis to pursue mRNA medicines for a broad spectrum of diseases.

Anonymous ID: c238d3 Jan. 4, 2021, 10:21 a.m. No.12311976   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2046

Whatever Zuckerberg Said About Facebook Not Choosing Sides In Election…It Was All Bulls–t!!


The National Republican Senatorial Committee declared the “unacceptable” limitations on Twitter, writing, “Facebook has shut down the ad account for the Georgia Battleground Fund, a joint fundraising committee for NRSC, @Perduesenate, and @kloeffler. This is unacceptable with only 4 days to Election Day.”


The NRSC added a screenshot of the restriction page, which claimed the group broke Facebook’s ban on “ads that promote products, services, schemes or offers using deceptive or misleading practices, including those meant to mislead or scam people out of money or personal information.”


Facebook lifted its ban on political advertising for Georgia on Dec.16, after banning political ads after the polls closed on Nov. 3.


Facebook replied by explaining that an “automated error caused this ad account to be disabled,” and the account had been restored.


Incumbent Republican Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler will challenge Democrats Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff on Jan. 5 after no candidate in either race won a majority of votes in November's election.


The Georgia elections are expected to cost over $500 million, with analysts, political insiders, and politicians descending on the Peach State in an effort to settle control of the Senate for the first two years of President-elect Joe Biden’s term.


If Ossoff and Warnock are elected, the Senate will be split evenly between Republicans and Democrats, with Kamala Harris casting the deciding vote after she is sworn in as vice president on Jan. 20.


Moreover, publicly available Facebook ad-spending data reveals many high-profile politicians have used the races and


the candidates to gather funds for their PACs, the Daily Beast reported Wednesday.


They involve members of both parties, like Sens. Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and Kirsten Gillibrand, and incoming House members, who haven’t yet been sworn into Congress. And President Trump is also among them. They could still use the money raised for their PACs to campaign on behalf of the Georgia candidates, though most of it will be managed by their committees.


When the Lincoln Project, an anti-Trump political action


organization established by conservatives, tweeted out the story, another Twitter user led to the group’s own Peach State fundraising.


"The Lincoln Project raised $4.8 million between November 24th and December 16th hyping the Georgia Senate runoff elections," wrote Rob Pyers, of the nonpartisan California Target Book, which observes and reports on political campaigns. "Since then, it has spent $1.1 million on independent expenditures in those races and paid Steve Schmidt $1.5 million."


Schmidt, a co-founder of the Lincoln Project, was a Republican strategist for years before instantly leaving the party over President Trump.

Anonymous ID: c238d3 Jan. 4, 2021, 10:22 a.m. No.12311990   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2029

House GOP Conference Chair Liz Cheney Warns Against Electoral Slate Objections: ‘Exceptionally Dangerous Precedent’


House Republican Conference Chairwoman Liz Cheney (R-WY), the third highest-ranking Republican in the House, argued in a memo that members of Congress objecting to the Electoral College certification on January 6, 2021, would present an “exceptionally dangerous precedent” for the role of Congress in future elections.


“By objecting to electoral slates, members are unavoidably asserting that Congress has the authority to overturn elections and overrule state and federal courts,” wrote Cheney in a 21-page memo, according to National Review. “Such objections set an exceptionally dangerous precedent, threatening to steal states’ explicit constitutional responsibility for choosing the President and bestowing it instead on Congress.Cheney also argued that Congress taking up such a role would be at odds with the Constitution, and would play into the Democratic Party’s attempts “to federalize every element of our nation,” including federalizing presidential elections. “Republicans should not embrace Democrats’ unconstitutional position on this issue,” wrote Cheney.


Over the weekend, a group of eleven Republicans senators, led by Texas Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), revealed that they planned to vote “to reject the electors from disputed states,” calling them not “regularly given” or “lawfully certified,” unless Congress appointed a commission to conduct a “10-day audit of the election returns” of “disputed states.” (The states were not named in the statement.)


The group of senators said Congress should “follow the precedent” set in 1877, when it “appointed an Electoral Commission-consisting of five Senators, five House Members, and five Supreme Court Justices-to consider and resolve the disputed returns.”


Cheney, however, seemed to suggest that the issues surrounding this precedent — multiple states sending votes from more than one slate of electors to Congress, instead of from just one slate of electors — were resolved with the Electoral Count Act in 1887. Although Cheney says the constitutionality of the act has been the subject of debate among experts, she notes that there hasn’t been a dispute that governors “submitted an official certification of the election,” and that the votes of those electors were then transmitted to Congress. “Thus, under the Electoral Count Act, those certificates are conclusive and must be counted,” she wrote.


Cheney also pushed back against the idea of an emergency 10-day election commission.


It is not reasonable to anticipate that any commission so formed could wrap up its work in 10 days; indeed, the subsequent debate at both the state and federal level would likely require months. Did those proposing a new commission realize that they were in essence proposing to delay the inaugural? Did they mean to set up a new future precedent where the inaugural is delayed and we have an “Acting President?” For how long? Who decides when that process is over? Will that require another Act of Congress? Could the Acting President veto any such future Congressional action? If Congress has authority to create such a commission now, are state elections, recounts and state law legal challenges just “make-work” until Congress gets around to investigating and deciding who should be President? Members who support the new commission proposal may need to answer each of these questions. And in particular, Members should be prepared to answer how such a commission would be justified by the actual text of our founding documents.


According to The Washington Examiner, Cheney’s memo also summarizes the conclusions of challenges to election results in six swing states: Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada.c

Anonymous ID: c238d3 Jan. 4, 2021, 10:27 a.m. No.12312042   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2067 >>2148 >>2256 >>2357

QAnon Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene refuses to wear a mask at House swearing-in ceremony sparking 'screaming match' between Dems and Republican staffers - then poses on Twitter wearing 'Trump Won' face covering


QAnon-supporting Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene refused to wear a mask at the House of Representatives' swearing-in ceremony on Sunday, despite multiple requests from House floor staff.


Greene and another Republican being sworn into office as a part of the incoming Congress class were told to put masks on but refused to comply on Capitol Hill, Politico's Jake Sherman reported Sunday.


He revealed Republican and Democratic floor staff got into 'a screaming match on the floor', adding, 'So this Congress is going great already.'


He said Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas, who is a Trump ally who supports the president's bid to overturn the election results, also stood on the floor maskless.


Greene hit back on Twitter, tweeting 'Well I actually do have a mask,' posting a selfie of her wearing a black mask that said 'TRUMP WON.'

Anonymous ID: c238d3 Jan. 4, 2021, 10:28 a.m. No.12312059   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2083

‘Israel worst counter-intelligence threat to US in the Middle East’ – US Security Establishment


The FBI & Justice Department have declared Israel the 2nd most aggressive nation running espionage operations against the US… the US security establishment has always regarded Israel as its number one counter-intelligence threat in the Middle East…

Israel sold U.S. war plans to the USSR…

US intelligence officers say Mossad is a ‘second rate’ operation… ‘Israeli intelligence assistance is often of dubious value… CIA is appalled at the lack of quality… They often give the US faulty, misleading intelligence…’


“Israel, Our Best Ally,” By Ron Estes, 2 January 2021


In 1987, Jonathan Pollard, a former Pentagon intelligence analyst, plead guilty to performing as a spy for Israel, providing Israel top-secret US classified information. He was sentenced to 30 years in prison for violations of the Espionage Act. Pollard was the only American who has received a prison sentence for passing classified information to a US ally.


To set the stage, on October 25, 1985, Pollard was seen carrying a large bundle from his office to his wife’s car, and was consequently placed under surveillance.


On November 21 he was arrested as he approached the Israeli embassy in Washington and charged with espionage. After serving his 30 years sentence, Pollard was released November 20, 2015, and placed on parole in accordance with federal guidelines in place at the time of his sentencing. On November 20, 2020, the parole expired and all restrictions were removed. Pollard was a free man.


On 29 December 2020, Pollard and his wife left the United States and arrived in Israel on a private plane provided by American casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, a major funder and board member of the Republican Jewish Coalition, a pro-Israel lobbying group, and a billionaire supporter of the GOP, and both Netanyahu and President Trump. Upon disembarking from the aircraft in Israel, Pollard, who had never lived in Israel before, triumphantly kissed the ground, “We are ecstatic to be home at last after 35 years,” he said as he was greeted at the airport by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The Israeli leader jubilantly immediately presented Pollard, and his wife Esther, with Israeli ID cards, granting them Israeli citizenship.

Anonymous ID: c238d3 Jan. 4, 2021, 10:30 a.m. No.12312082   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2168 >>2327 >>2343

California Federal Constitutional Challenge to Vaccine Mandates Filed; Preliminary Injunction Hearing Set for Late February; GO GET ‘EM Greg and Ray!


For the last many months, my friend, colleague, and behind-the-scenes advisor on both the UC flu mandate case and Ken Stoller’s Medical Board case has been telling me about some massive lawsuit he was preparing. Well, it has finally arrived. Greg and ace SoCAL litigator Ray Flores have filed a federal constitutional lawsuit in the Eastern District of California against one defendant, the President of the United States. The lawsuit is basically asking him to remove all vaccine mandates in the entire country. I said it was bold. There is a preliminary injunction hearing set for late February.


Leaving the merits aside, this lawsuit serves two very important functions for those who have concerns with the mandatory vaccination program. First, the papers contain the most comprehensive and documented exposition of the problems with the country’s entire mandatory vaccination system that I have ever seen (and I’ve seen a lot). Along the way, it seeks judicial recognition of the negative role childhood vaccines have played in children’s health, and it seeks to affirm the vax vs unvax study published by Paul Thomas and James Lyons Weiler. (Now you see how bold this lawsuit is.)


Second, it perfectly manifests and voices the indignation and frustration which a growing number of Americans have with the COVID vaccine rollout and the fear that it will be made mandatory and further erode the rights of citizens. Win, lose, or draw, I see Greg’s papers as a clarion call to the vaccine concerned community, and it will be received as most welcome.


And finally, it’s a hella of a read, and it will make your day!


Here is a link that has all the papers filed in the case.


The Control Group Litigation


FYI: this is a community-supported lawsuit and not funded by any organization, so if you can help support this project financially, please do. There is a “donate” button on the web site.


GO get ’em, Greg and Ray!