Anonymous ID: 3a4d11 Jan. 4, 2021, 12:03 p.m. No.12313131   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3145

Words matter.


What are they doing?

How have they assumed the right to do what they're doing?

What do they need from whom to carry on with their agenda?

How might they lose the power to impose their agenda on the people?


7th October 2020 - Huw Merriman, MP for Bexhill and Hastings in Parliament admitting that they are RULING BY CONSENT and that THEY NEED the support of the PEOPLE to carry on with their agenda..


'We are RULING by CONSENT, we NEED PEOPLE to come with us. And when people look at these rules, people I speak to have been absolute religious devotees of lockdown, they now say "I just not going to do this anymore" and the concern is they won't follow other rules that do make sense that we should have in place.'