Anonymous ID: 918701 Jan. 4, 2021, 11:10 a.m. No.12312478   🗄️.is 🔗kun

For Immediate Release Updates:

Georgia Division,Sons of Confederate Veterans

Press Release📷📷City of Athens and Columbus Mayors and Commissioners are added as individual defendants to the Sons of Confederate Veterans Lawsuits for violation of Official Code of Georgia Annotated § 50-3-1.

Press Release:

On December 22, 2020,The Georgia Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans filed amendments to their lawsuit against the consolidated governments of Athens/Clarke County and Columbus/Muscogee County, Georgia to adding the mayors and city commissioners as individual defendants. The mayors and commissioners voted to remove the Confederate Veterans Monuments and did so knowingly in violation of Official Code of Georgia Annotated Section 50-3-1.Apparently pandering to the “cancel culture” mob was more important than obeying Georgia law. Mayor Girtz of Athens/Clarke County and Mayor Henderson of Columbus/Muscogee County as well as the other Commissioners will be in court spending taxpayers’ money to defend their illegal action.The Georgia Division, SCV had sent letters to the respective mayors and commissioners warning them that the removal of the Veterans Monuments was in violation of Georgia law. The Georgia Division even when so far as to meet with both Mayors to try to reason with them and offer alternatives. Both decided to disobey the law.In any future lawsuits the Georgia Division, SCV will be including the mayors and commissioners voting to remove Veterans Monuments in violation of Official Code of Georgia Annotated § 50-3-1 as individual defendants

.For further information contact:

Martin K. O'TooleSpokesman, Georgia Division Sons of Confederate VeteransGASCVPR@gmail.comCell: 678/232-8638