Anonymous ID: 68e67d Jan. 4, 2021, 12:25 p.m. No.12313410   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3643

>>12311200 (PB)

If I understand correctly, they legally CANNOT respond. She would know this and is thus doing this for show.

>>12311332 (PB)

Lower numbered English and math classes. These are "let's get you usable" classes for kids fresh out of liberal high schools and you probably could use the refresher anyway.

>>12311367 (PB)

Can't refuse cash. Says so right on the bills. If they do, the "purchase" is a gift. They gotta make the cake. Ie: if they sell things to others, and you agree to pay their asking price, they have no choice but to sell to you.

>>12311415 (PB)

The year has changed, matey. We're not in 2020 anymore.

>>12311259 (PB)

I'd wait at the bottom of the stairs for him.


Mitch McConnell should announce his retirement and catch the first plane to China. I doubt if there's any reason for him to come back to Kentucky. I doubt if it's even a good idea.