Anonymous ID: 9fcb0a Jan. 4, 2021, 12:28 p.m. No.12313441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3733 >>3918


Big Re-Open California Rally January 8-10th in Rancho Murieta

‘We do NOT have to destroy our economy to intelligently fight the pandemic’


By Katy Grimes, January 4, 2021 11:01 am


There will be a huge Policy Conference January 8-10th in Rancho Murieta, near Sacramento.


Sacramento County Supervisor Sue Frost teamed up with Orange County Supervisor Jeff Hewitt and Riverside County Supervisor Don Wagner to organize the event. However, the event has been censored by big tech: MailChimp, Facebook and Google.


According to the website, speakers for the event include:


Congressman Tom McClintock at the opening night reception

Assemblymen James Gallagher and Kevin Kiley

California State Treasurer Fiona Ma

Dr. Joe Ladapo, U.C. Davis Medical Center

Economist Justin Adams Ph.D.

Lance Izumi, Pacific Research Institute

Brad Dacus, Pacific Justice Foundation

Dr. Larry Arnn, Hillsdale College

John Kabatek, NFIB

Jot Condie, California Restaurant Association

Sheriff Scott Jones (Sacramento), Sheriff Chad Bianco (Riverside), Sheriff John D’Agostini (El Dorado)

Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Stanford Medical

Dr. George Fareed, M.D.

faith leaders

“We do NOT have to destroy our economy to intelligently fight the pandemic,” the website says.



For more information about the rally and conference:


Visit the ReOpenCalNow website.


To buy a ticket click HERE:


To sign the petition:


Join the call to “ReOpen Cal Now” and urge local elected leaders to focus on protecting the vulnerable, improve therapeutics and medical solutions while letting businesses open safely.


As one event organizer said, “Big tech doesn’t want people to know about the treatments and remedies available that would actually reduce crowded hospitals and increase ICU capacity.”


The event will be live streamed.

Anonymous ID: 9fcb0a Jan. 4, 2021, 12:31 p.m. No.12313472   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3733 >>3918

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