Anonymous ID: b4bb50 Jan. 4, 2021, 12:45 p.m. No.12313680   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3694


>>12312938 (lb)

>>IF Lin Wood was in bed with the cabal

>There is an inherent fallacy in this logic.

>Bringing attention to this matter, in any form, is detrimental to the cabal. The more it is discussed, the more people will scrutinize it. The Epstein Scandal has made the possibility that children are used in blackmail real to normal people. (Which is why they tried to sweep it under the rug and keep it out of the press.)

>The idea that Lin Wood is an agent working for the same people that he is calling out is flawed logic. He is either genuine and speaking truth or he is a disgruntled lunatic lashing out at specific people.

>There is no strategic value in having an asset openly discuss cabal operations, and name names.


>>12312954 (lb)

>Aye, but now there's a plausible deniability defense being floated out. "You can't see it, but off camera they were holding a gun to my head. What else could I do?"

>You seem to forget the possibility that they are all puppets, including Lin, and PDJT is the puppet master making folks like Lin talk. If Lin is dirty, which wouldn't surprise me in the slightest, PDJT is flaunting his puppet to scare the fuck out of people that are "in the know".

>It's how I'd do it if I knew I had Lin under my boot.


>>12313031 (lb)

>Aye, this is a real possibility.

>If he is a bad guy who is now Trump's prisoner, and being flaunted publicly as a trophy, then his disclosures are still genuine.



