Anonymous ID: 49b271 Jan. 4, 2021, 1:11 p.m. No.12314039   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>12313582 PB



The very worrisome question is why all 10 living former Secretaries of Defense, including Trump officials Esper and Mattis, chose to speak out now…What is the scenario they are worried about?”



The old playbook is the only book of plays they have to play. So the presage, pre-condition, sow the seeds that the THREAT is from TRUMP WORLD and that the status quo is DEEP STATE.


Supposedly presenting hard choices that they will defend the republic against the THREAT to AMERICA. That's all they have left. Worked in past so they gotta hope against all odds their gambit will give them something to hide behind.


But nothing is going to stop what is coming. AMERICANS standing together against THEM.

Anonymous ID: 49b271 Jan. 4, 2021, 1:17 p.m. No.12314114   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4162 >>4322 >>4424



PCR is not a test. It is a manufacturing process for generating gene sequences for labwork and forensics. Not a diagnosis test.


But it is a tool. In the wrong hands.


The jabbing of the long 'cue-tip' against the barrier that protects the brain from viral infestions is something that should give each and every one of us pause before consenting to the sample-taking procedure.


In some media reports they are using the phrase 'standard nose swab' to purposefully mislead. WHY would they describe it in a way that is obviously false? Because jabbing that barrier to the brain may well compromise that barrier against viral infection of the brain.


PCR is a tool and in the wrong hands it prepares for worse infections that will truly shock the world and make respiratory illness look like child's play.

Anonymous ID: 49b271 Jan. 4, 2021, 1:21 p.m. No.12314162   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4178 >>4185 >>4330 >>4424

>>12314083, >>12314018, >>12314015, >>12314007, >>12314114, >>12314046


New Coronavirus Crosses Membranes Between Throat and Brain.


The presence of the virus in the brain and cerebrospinal fluid has been linked with neurological symptoms, but exactly how the virus enters the central nervous system has not been clear.

Anonymous ID: 49b271 Jan. 4, 2021, 1:32 p.m. No.12314330   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4424



The ependyma: a protective barrier between brain and cerebrospinal fluid


Some cells lining the neural tube are committed at an early stage to becoming ependymal cells. They serve a secretory function and perhaps act as a cellular/axonal guidance system, particularly during fetal development. In the mature mammalian brain ependymal cells possess the structural and enzymatic characteristics necessary for scavenging and detoxifying a wide variety of substances in the CSF, thus forming a metabolic barrier at the brain-CSF interface.


Coronavirus tests: Swabs don't damage the brain

A swab stick inserted into the nose would need to break through multiple layers of tissue and drill through a bone and into the blood vessels to reach the blood-brain barrier.


"The swab cannot reach the blood brain barrier without significant force that breaks several layers of tissue and bone. We have not seen any complications from Covid swabs in our neurology practice", says Dr Liz Coulthard, a committee member of the British Neuroscience Association (BNA).


The nasopharyngeal swab checks for coronavirus in the back of the nasal passage and is one of a range of swabbing techniques.


If you only breathe on a slim swab head, you might not catch the viral particles or the cells that carry the virus. However, if you insert the swab in the nose and throat and rotate it at the site of infection, you are more likely to get infectious material that will yield a result.




Read the BBC 'fact-check' and note the concessions made and then note the misrepresentations of the concern that is presented so as to be 'checked'.


Compromising the membrane is the key, not poking through it on a single twist of the 'clue-tip'. Repeated PCR sample-taking leads to letting down one's guard both as the individual being subjected to the sample-taking and as the technician taking yet another of thousands of samples. ERRORS are to be expected. WEARING DOWN resistance is to be expected.


This is why they are now starting to refer to it as a 'routine nose swab'. It is invasive. It is supposedly a light cost to the individual, like mask-wearing, that is a small thing to ask in the great effort to PROTECT OTHERS from your spreading disease.


Yeh. Ok.

Anonymous ID: 49b271 Jan. 4, 2021, 1:38 p.m. No.12314424   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4599

>>12314114 PCR is not a diagnosis test but it is a dangerous prep for bodily intrusions that are meant to become routine and taken for granted. Conditions for many errors.


>>12314162 Stories already prepping the way for worst infections caused by compromising the barrier between brain and throat/sinal passagees.


>>12314330 Attempted 'fact-check' concedes key points.

Anonymous ID: 49b271 Jan. 4, 2021, 1:52 p.m. No.12314618   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4763



Arguing the merits/demerits of PCR assay is really not about testing for an illness but it serves as a way to cast a spell with words.


The illness has not definitive symptoms. Typically, a doctor sees the patient, listens to complaints, symptoms, and checks the patient for indications of illness. But there is no single symptom, no unique combination of symptoms, for a diagnosis of 'COVID-19', the supposed illness caused by a viral infection. The doctor might recommend a test or set of tests, based on actual symptoms, if these help narrow the possible causes. In the meantime, typically, the doctor treats the symptoms even if the cause is unknown. Viral infections are often coped with rather than cured. The body's immune system does what it does and helping it do so is often the recommended approach.


But the PCR now intervenes as the FIRST step in supposed diagnosis of an illness that is ill-defined and for which there is NO ACTUAL TEST. First you are ordered or required or cajoled into PCR and then, if it returns a 'positive' assay, you might be ordered to see a doctor – or not. More likely you are ordered to isolate yourself, or be isolated, and monitor for symptoms. You know, check for symptoms that you might bring to a doctor for diagnosis.


See the circular thinking on this is intentional. You go in circles and scrutinize for illness where you had no symptoms, just a PCR result that does not even check for viral infection, viral load, illness.


This is NOT a postive/negative 'test' for it is meant to generate gene sequences and as such it amplifies what little RNA might be in the sample until that RNA can be clearly detected. But this means repeating cycles. Beyond 30 cycles is too far and makes the results far too sensitive. Yet PCR is being used, today, in the anti-covid CAMPAIGN with cycles between 35 and 47 - in labs in the western world. The higher the cycles, the greater the likelihood of a 'positive' result. But that result is not a reliable means to diagnose anyway. The supposed 'result' depend sutterly on the amplification of fragments of RNA which are guessed to be the RNA of a virus which has not been purified, nor isolated, such that the test can be tested for reliability.


So no reliable test. And no reliable symptom or set of symptoms. Nothing to cross-reference so as to confirm a doctor's preliminary diagnosis. But all of this has doctors scrutinizing for clues of a viral infection where there may be toxins or bacteria causing harm and suffering.


This is malpractice on a mass delusional scale.

Anonymous ID: 49b271 Jan. 4, 2021, 2:01 p.m. No.12314763   🗄️.is 🔗kun



And add to the PCR scam the little detail, upon which an extravagant house of cards has been built, that a clinical case is NOT defined by PCR result.


The use of words to cast the spell includes redefining what is and is not an 'active case'. If there is no illness, there is no clinical case. But the new spell depends on misuse of statistics on this non-test.


Compare with a pregnancy test, for example. The reliability of the test can be tested by comparing the patient's condition in 3 months or so. Pregnant? Then the test was either right or wrong. Not a range of cycles. Positive or negative.


But how is an 'active' covid 'case' established as an actual case? By a PCR result that is not truly positive but which is dependant on a range that is misleading in the first place.


You can prolly start to notice the way the spell is being performed on all of us. Even arguing the merit/demerits of PCR presumes there is a virus to be detected in the first place. That there is an illness for which other causes have already been eliminated. And on and on. It leads to the absurdity of development of a supposed vaccine that can not prevent infection.


Think about the power of such a spell. AND THEN realize that reasoning and logic can be used to dispell all of this. BUT THE REAL weapon against this spell is faith.


Who do you choose to believe?


And remember the hint that Q gave when saying to be ready to be shocked by those whom we trust the most.