Anonymous ID: 68789e April 29, 2018, 1 a.m. No.1231791   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1799 >>1816

Regarding earlier roundtable, Thx for those that contributed. I think i'm getting the feel. If the world is watching, they are waiting. But for what? For 411, or to supply 911? we all want to help, the little things help. your voices matter. On all venues, FB, GOOG, Ifunny, IG, ###, etc. Not saying force your word, but let your word be heard. They are all looking for answers, QA is supplying them. Who is responsible for the taxes that broke you families? WIR4 the laws that have held you down? Even if you're not a fan of Trump, one can only smile at the WWCs mistake of (-) JFK jr, and how much his ""nameless"" friend would change everything. Talk about biting the wrong hand…. Let's all fix the future together. We are not subservient to the system. We are the system, we just forgot. All being said, breaking comms for now, need to get back on the shovel.