Anonymous ID: 71a1a4 April 29, 2018, 12:44 a.m. No.1231727   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1821



Blood will be shed. The manufactured 'arrogance' and disgusting racial hatred/pride of that subgroup (as well as other 'pet' groups) must be brought low, violated, annihilated. Pendulum swings, and it's about to swing with fury. HOW it is done…that's the question. CARE is needed, but force is inevitable at this point.


Many in the west put too much importance in their own flaws (by conditioning!) and can only knee jerk in response (once again, by conditioning!) thus creating a perfect 'target' that the 'other' can see as a point of envy/lust/greed/pride etc. Racial impulse is a POWERFUL weapon - one that must be present in a family and people if it is to survive.


Needless to say, (((jidf))) efforts in this part of the web is just microcosm level representation of what is going on as a whole - (((subversion))) is key word here.


This can be undone from my point of view…but we must act quickly. The stage was set for the rape and destruction of the west (and most 'established worlds') on fundamental level…and I will not see it come to pass in whatever form ((they)) desire. It must be undone, for the sake of my family. West MUST. NOT. FALL.


Camps…not as an 'end' solution. Kill/expulsion campaign? Certainly. The fight is psychological, and it can be done, not just in theory. West must climb out of this trap ((they)) created. It is possible. I will pay my small small part…very small. But I owe it to my blood to help it so.


Thank you for your posts thus far. It has been very helpful.

Anonymous ID: 71a1a4 April 29, 2018, 1:14 a.m. No.1231856   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1882



I am not sure if anons fully appreciate this post. The asiatic mentality was rightfully warned against by the founding fathers. It is the ((enemy)). It is effectively yin to your yang.


If you believe that east asiatics are any better than muslims in that regard, I have a bridge in brooklyn to sell you ten times over, at ten times the stated 'price'.


They do have their 'virtue', but reality is completely opposite of what people believe. The street level reality of those people and places is vile and disgusting.


They could be 'associates', since their 'virtue' allows at least that much. But you must be a realist. Parallel path is about the best you can hope for. Useful idiots are plenty there, and most do not know or even want to recognize they are puppets. The seeming 'ascendancy' of their 'people' at the expense of the west was specifically designed to feed their need for racial revanchism and hatred that can easily dwarf that of muslims and even jews.


Realists live on and prosper. Delusional ones do not.

Anonymous ID: 71a1a4 April 29, 2018, 1:28 a.m. No.1231920   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1938 >>1944



Pic related. Sassoon family -opium war ->sino japanese wars -> mao era -> cultural revolution etc.


east asia was its own place, with its warts and shit, and landed on the world stage like a beautiful virgin who thought itself the virtuous queen and wandered blindly into the nest of rapists and criminals with a 'fuc me' sign taped to its neck.


((they)) encouraged the weaknesses and delusions of that part of the world. Fell for it hook sinker.


To this day, east asiatics do not want to accept that they did this to themselves. It's always the fault of others etc. The cognitive dissonance is GREAT in that part of the world…similiar story to some extend in rest of the world, to be sure.


Everything (((they))) and their (((pets))) project onto the west is (((theirs))) x100. West is not 'guilty' of anything in a relative sense, aside from allowing 'corruption' known as ((them)) to take root.


Scales must be balanced. West must right itself and exact needed action to save itself and destroy that which needs to be destroyed.

Anonymous ID: 71a1a4 April 29, 2018, 1:30 a.m. No.1231931   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1982



>Whites were sledgehammers / wrecking balls destroying the planet and people for Zionists, Zionists creating the media myths that whites were all that


nigga you don't want to be on the wrong end of this project. Or be our enemy. You should be glad it was the west and not other actors chosen for such role. You would not be typing.

Anonymous ID: 71a1a4 April 29, 2018, 1:38 a.m. No.1231962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2003



The motivator and crimes lie at their (((feet))). Asiatics deserved better, but their 'worth' was shown when 'power' presented itself.


For instance, zaibatsu were from the 'merchant' class - typically the most looked down upon class of people in most east asiatic cultures. For a reason.


With their inborn hatred of the 'betters', and endless grudge and hatred, once such took power, they exacted vicious 'revenge' upon the 'traditional ruling class'. Then usurped it.


Perfect tool for ((them)).


In such short time too.


Bad actors WILL be removed, as Q said. It is up to individual groups if they choose to be our aggressors, in which case we must resolve it completely.


Scale being tipped for west as 'guilty' party is a lie. Black is white, up is down, right is left etc.

Anonymous ID: 71a1a4 April 29, 2018, 1:39 a.m. No.1231968   🗄️.is 🔗kun



white hats do exist in china, outnumbered 1000 to 1. 10000 to 1 in some cases.


May they find victory. Triads are occultic to the extreme.

Anonymous ID: 71a1a4 April 29, 2018, 2:10 a.m. No.1232078   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2138 >>2154



Some VERY specific set of questions for you, anon. Nutrition. 'vril' (or whatever name you put it as).


'Meat eating' - as much as it is decried by many, how is it to be 'properly consumed' if needed? Raise it right in a large scale pasture as naturally as possible as if it were wild? Are there any 'advantages' to meat consumption in a sense of 'strength' or needed 'aggression'?


Many understand the 'karmic' effect of consuming flesh and blood of an animal - but what if your particular make up requires this intake? Red meat being primary example.


It is understood that the 'eye' requires such sacrifices. One that apparently has 'infiltrated' us long ago. 'vril'. any truth to this? If so, what are the details of its functions, behaviors, definition and descriptions of this 'thing'? Possible to remove? Or have to live with it but able to influence it? If able to influence, does meat eating ALWAYS work against you in that regard?


Lastly, water: distilled pure water through copper coils? Is this considered dangerous, or only specific type of body make up? (think blood and genotype).

Anonymous ID: 71a1a4 April 29, 2018, 2:49 a.m. No.1232173   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2208 >>2215



>I drink distilled water that I magnetize.


Now this is good hint to start. Thank you, will look into it seriously.


>quantum entanglement aligned with frequency does some amazing things.


frequency…it's a subject I am not familiar with. Thank you for introducing me into the idea. Once again, will see what I can learn. If I may ask, is there a good book or simply topic name to start with in regards to 'frequency'?


Rest of your explanations regarding meat sounds very much grounded in what I have seen. I will keep the prayers in mind. What I require, I find out, and apply correctly.


Are greenhouses/conservatories with its artificially controlled climates/protection against elements antithecal to what we are trying to achieve? Or is it simply a matter of getting it close to a natural environment as possible?


Lastly: electrical device usage. Are there ways to limit if not eliminate the effects of harmful radiations from lcd/monitors that adversely affect human health while still retaining usage of electronic devices? I am obviously not referring to any 'smart' devices of 'modern' RFID tech - think pre 2080 desk top or laptop set up.




>All you have to do is treat your food humanely. give it a good life and treat it well. slaughter it humanly and as painfree as possible, and genuinely thank it for its sacrifice. This applies to both vegetables and meat.




greenhouse = no different than animal pen? Some climates and environments do not allow you to grow all necessary fruits and spices you need.