Anonymous ID: a92478 April 29, 2018, 2:50 a.m. No.1232177   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2198


I think Q is telling us how many connections that we haven't quite got right. Reconcile connections 4-5 14 and 4? And /12 dark as in we haven't uncovered them at all yet. For [COMS] :)


After some re-reading and digging more, I think we need to think more seriously of cabal bloodlines/genetics/traditions(Yes, even religion) in order to get a more complete picture here for Q.


Did more re reading and digging:


Rizvi is the Urdu form of the Arabic surname Radawi/Radhawi and the Persian surname Razavi. These are the descendants of 8th Imam Ali al-Ridha, a descendant of the prophet Muhammed. https://


Rizvi Traverse Management http://

Invests in Twitter(until recently), Playboy, SpaceX, Square, Flipboard, SESAC, Jawbone, Snapchat, RealD

Suhail Rizvi Co-Founder/CEO


SESAC was bought by Blackstone in 2017. https://

Also on Blackstone board is Johnathon Pollack [https://]

An Isreali activist.



Then there's Omar Ali Rizvi, a lawyer who got caught insider trading. Civil action entitled Securities and Exchange Commission v. Omar Ali Rizvi, et al., Civil Action Number 8:10-cv-01632-JVS -FFM, in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of CA


-p.s. he lives in Bridgewater, MA on Bridge St.

Omar was with Bellwether Investment Management Inc, which John Wood formed in 2005 after experience as Chair of the Canadian Olympic Committee’s (COC) Investment Board. John passed away in January 2013, and Bellwether has since been taken over by Bob Sewell, Steve Meehan


Faraz Rizvi, VP in Electronic Trading at BlackRock


-BlackRock Fund Advisors increased shares in Iridium Communications by 13.6%. BlackRock Fund Advisors owns 8.4 million shares of the company’s stock worth $74.8 million. (Vanguard Group Inc. just bought more in Iridium Communications by 4.5%. Vanguard now owns 9 million shares of the company’s stock worth $80.8 million."



This goes even deeper. My head is just spinning from drawing all the things. I was looking into Blackwater a little deeper too (since they have the imagination of a pile of bricks and name everything the same way i.e. bridge, black, etc) and I ran across this:

Blackwater Hostel micro mega lodge glamping self-catering chalet.

(micro/mega… liddle/big… see what I see here?)


Well it gets even creepier with "killin golf club" and it's "strong junior section" and "wee par 28 course within the main course"


And for those of low vibrational energy that are gonna jump on this post like it's the centennial shillfest feast: