Anonymous ID: b2540f April 29, 2018, 12:38 a.m. No.1231699   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1729 >>2078




>The Universe and Eternity are cyclical, and everything that is possible has happened an infinite number of times and will happen an infinite number more times.


to infinity..and beyond…humans have human nature…in order to eradicate evil one must indeed eradicate humans..kek..perhaps that's the real alien agenda ;D


We get to twisting ourselves about when we separate ourselves from nature. Nature serves only herself. Think about this…if every man on earth only poked other men we'd quickly come to an end. Nature has aligned most of us to be perpetual propagators…of course as in all animal kingdom there are mishaps…men liking men…it happens…had a gay horse once..but it's an outlier…we are designed to breed, like dogs and cats and every other life form on earth..propagate multiply..nature is what it is. Humans wrote NATURAL LAW to set themselves above nature…and each and every time we've believed our own press, nature has her way with us and sets us back on course.


Some humans go to war trying to force other humans to eat their way (as an example)..vegans..oh dear…so far out to lunch (kek) in their religion of food that they completely an totally dishonor the life they do consume. Plants have their own mystery and consciousness..does not the ear of corn have the same "right to life" as a cow? Plants communicate, create music and energy…they are in and of themselves beautiful..yet the vegan blindly consumes without gratefulness…but with superiority…recall god rejected the fruit an veg…kek that whole thing made the "first murder" eh?


Being in balance means honoring all life, recognizing that all things living are gifts. Being grateful for whatever we chose to eat (being mostly at the top of the food chain, we've got that luxury".


We have systems and procedures, food in shit out…that is never going to change. Have all we need? We already have all we need…but we've gotten so fond of the sound of our own voices we cannot hear the little things anymore.



yeah that one didn't end so well did it. Mostly it's the "bad" guys fighting the "good" guys for access…>>1231620


> i'd imagine things get boring after a while having already done everything an infinite amount of times already…


technically yes. but each time you recycle yourself you "forget" ..rinse and repeat…I suppose that's why some people call this place a prison planet. Personally I've no intention of recycling again.

Anonymous ID: b2540f April 29, 2018, 12:54 a.m. No.1231758   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1769


>Either you accept or you are punished for Eternity.

Love me or die, the ultimate blackmail.


We have done ourselves in before..very close to annihilation..but humans and all life seem to have a talent for breeding :)


I've contemplated the world without religion concept before…if people can't behave without the threat of an eternal lake of fire…then…well truth is they cannot. For some reason humans need the threat to keep them from being worse than they already are!

Anonymous ID: b2540f April 29, 2018, 12:56 a.m. No.1231770   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1776 >>1777 >>1789


>Release the cure

cure you're own damn self and stop expecting someone else to do it for you. For every illness on earth there is a plant designed to heal…get off your ass and start looking at the world around you..unless you believe "god" gave a disease without the means to heal it…oops.

Anonymous ID: b2540f April 29, 2018, 12:59 a.m. No.1231779   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1833


>more and more ringing in my ears

the magnetosphere is acting up..has been for a while…and getting worse. there's a russian scientist who has been documenting what happens to humans when they are removed from the influence of the magnetosphere. As usual..some of it's good..and some of it's bad.

Anonymous ID: b2540f April 29, 2018, 1 a.m. No.1231787   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>i was referring to stupidity


>I referenced that earlier in the evening.


>Ron White :)


OH…KEK I'm so used to seeing personal PLEAS to Q..halp me…gibme dat…heal dis, jubilee…fuckitol…we're so screwed :)

Anonymous ID: b2540f April 29, 2018, 1:02 a.m. No.1231797   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1825 >>1858


>Right ? Humans be like:


>>release the cure


>>I'll take a Big Mac and Diet Coke


I died… screen now has organic yogurt on it :D but yes, exactly that. we've CHOSEN to become comfy..and hence more helpless.


Venezuelans were told to "grow their own food" by their failing government…"how do we do that" they said…dumbfounded..that food actually grows somewhere…Idiocracy..we've reached peak stupid!

Anonymous ID: b2540f April 29, 2018, 1:05 a.m. No.1231817   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1828


>Which is absurd since love, as well as belief, is not a conscious effort. It either is there or it isn't.

yes, and no…I think love is a choice. It's a response to stimuli…as an example I can choose to shoot the MF that cuts me off in traffic…or shrug it off and mosey on my way. WHy anyone chooses to chase and fight…is beyond me..takes so much energy to be angry….or, perhaps I'm just too lazy to get angry all the time. I hear it can cause health issues :D

Anonymous ID: b2540f April 29, 2018, 1:07 a.m. No.1231826   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1834 >>1839 >>1850


> God did not intend us to get sprayed like bugs.


tsk tsk..don't pretend to speak for this god of yours…logically since god knows all and made all then indeed this god of yours who created the diabolical minds knowing ALL ALONG how it would end…well quite honestly he's an asshole.

Anonymous ID: b2540f April 29, 2018, 1:16 a.m. No.1231866   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1876


why must you insist on a reaction and that the lack of a reaction is apathy rather than instant forgiveness and choosing not to become angry? This insistence upon reaction is what drive/fuels this endless rage.


We've long ago lost our right to RIGHTEOUS anger..what happened back in the day if a man was caught diddling a kid? Instant justice.NO days of endless trials and rage..get caught fucking a kid…find a rope and a tree…it's over..done…the community has been righted.


I can choose to act within my own sphere…for instance if someone breaks into my house that person will meet instant justice with no discussion. Boundaries…that person has committed an act of violence upon myself. I right the balance and go on.


You're completely ignoring the fact that adults always have a choice, children never ever do. When a child is sold into trafficking who has sol that child? The parent. When a child is set up in hollywood for endless rape and abuse, who has set that up? The parent. When people blindly donate to "help" organizations that inturn take that money and abuse children..who is at fault? the people who fail to do due diligence and blindly heartstring everything? Why do we keep choosing to feed the beasts that rape us? then blame the beast.

Anonymous ID: b2540f April 29, 2018, 1:19 a.m. No.1231875   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1879 >>1881 >>1884 >>1886 >>1898




>No asshole. This GOD of ours actually has foreknowledge. So he made plans to equip us with Holy Spirit, which not only can protect us from this spraying (that is done by the free will of evil people), but also protects us from ALL SICKNESS, ILLNESS AND DISEASE!


So again…this god who knows all and had foreknowlege that his little chemistry experiment was going to go completely wrong…did it anyway? Fucking asshole is what THAT god is.


Protects from all sickness and disease? Which is why everyone still dies. Come on…I'd say god gave you a brain too, but that would be begging logic.

Anonymous ID: b2540f April 29, 2018, 1:25 a.m. No.1231903   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Jesus who?


zen Jesus from SOG? You know..there was this man ISSA from India…Kashmir to be exact, who had a twin brother Thomas who was a mason..they're quite famous in Kashimir and contemporary court records address their twinness. Issa is buried in roz bal, Kashimir..where he returned after a rather long "road trip. Before launching on said road trip Issa studied with both Hindu and Buddhists.


I AM within you and without, life up a rcck..and I AM there (I AM being the life force energy that is in all things living.)


SGofMark..and Jesus took the young man naked into the cave to teach him the mysteries.

Anonymous ID: b2540f April 29, 2018, 1:29 a.m. No.1231926   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1932


and jesus said..I come not to abolish the law but to uphold the law (Pentatuch and Septuagint)


well, that version of the story anyway. Apparently there are forces of evil in heaven…shit I thought they were all in hell…


when one wishes to set up a new control system one often mirrors it upon the old..there is nothing new under the sun. Good/evil, dark/light…it is what it is…be afraid..for my god is an angry god, he is vengeful, wrathful, and very very said 'god" about himself.


Such fine qualities…we were made in his "image" after all. Excellent work.

Anonymous ID: b2540f April 29, 2018, 1:35 a.m. No.1231947   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2009 >>2058


>Because you do not understand where EVIL comes from.

Evil comes from god, creator of all things, knower of all that is and ever will be.


be lonely..need to be worshipped


make some shit…meh not good enough, birds and fish don't love me enougn…make something that looks and acts like make them worship me…


humm not as much fun as i thought it would me…make a tree…nice lucious fruit..tell my people ya'll can eat whatever you want but NOT THIS (knowing they're gonna eat that shit anyway)…now the party is just getting started.


Later..kek..these assholes aren't loving me enough, I'm gonna choose some people, some special people and I'm going to order them to go about killing the other people who are not my chosen and don't love me enough…about 28 million more or less…cause..they don't love DIE FUCKERS…

later…one of my most faithful…sort of feel him wavering so I'm gonna order him to kill his so to prove he loves..shit he's gonna do it.TOP KEK I'm winning bigly here…what the actual EVIL FUCK does that shit eh?

Anonymous ID: b2540f April 29, 2018, 1:43 a.m. No.1231984   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1993


>You guys keep getting more pathetic.

Me? I'm just fine. I'm definitely not afraid Personally I feel I'd be a much better "god" certainly more benevolent. I wouldn't make something I knew was going to fail just because I was lonesome for some worship and shit.

Anonymous ID: b2540f April 29, 2018, 1:48 a.m. No.1232000   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2005 >>2010 >>2020


>Ever since Q arrived, jus right ear…

again, I will tell's the magnetosphere. It's failing at an alarming rate. Science not magical thinking. Some people are more sensitive to earth symptoms than others. Russian scientist has documented what happens to humans when they are removed from the effects of the magnetosphere. If you want to KNOW about the magnetosphere go start watching AstralTravelers educational videos on what's happening…it's quite fascinating.


Of course my folk already know what's gonna happen as it's happened before. Ringing in the ears…just the beginning. But meh, we've been through this before..and so it goes. We're headed into the 5th creation (see Hopi).

Anonymous ID: b2540f April 29, 2018, 1:51 a.m. No.1232017   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2023 >>2026 >>2038


>Q research is about prayer and god so why are you here unless you're a shill


WHO let you have the crack pipe? Q wen to /pol/ first, one of the most degenerative yet brilliant corners of the universe. He didn't go there because they're prayer warriors…


Pray is setting intention…set intention for yourself. Mindfulness..every breath should be a prayer.


God..i don't like your definition of god…he's an asshole…a fucking cargo cult control freak of an asshole.


Love is the Universe, it only loves, the Universe only says yes, the Universe is without judgement it merely is and always has been.

Anonymous ID: b2540f April 29, 2018, 1:57 a.m. No.1232035   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2041 >>2044


>You keep writing paragraphs about magnetosphere

DUDE the shrinking magnetosphere is the cause of the ear ringing…SRSLY it's science not thought police. It's not magical or mysterious. The magnetosphere is vital to life on earth…it shrinking and now often collapses all together…and it's getting weaker and weaker. When removed from the effects of the magnetosphere many many people get a bit crazy in the head, others have "spiritual experiences" this is science, proven, documented and you can test it yourself!

Anonymous ID: b2540f April 29, 2018, 1:59 a.m. No.1232047   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2053



PRAYER is setting intention, every breath should be a prayer.


That you don't know that calls your own…JIDF shillness into question. All those good decent people setting intention to do the right thing for all of us…and you fucking religitards just can't stop your asshattery.

Anonymous ID: b2540f April 29, 2018, 2:02 a.m. No.1232055   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>You aren't wrong!

I know….argh…being well-read is a curse.or..magical thinking is easier than spending hours upon hours studying why I suddenly started having vertigo/ringing ears every time we had a good solar flare…more and more is getting through…mean while back on the "ranch"…everyone is very very busy with…kek we'll be upside down for a week before anyone notices :D

Anonymous ID: b2540f April 29, 2018, 2:08 a.m. No.1232071   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2079 >>2081 >>2089 >>2111



Son I think you done went and lost the plot. But it happens when magical thinking is confronted with logic. You're "god" makes no sense. I don't chose that's insanity to tell me that this 'god' loves me but unless I love him back he's gonna kill me, and not just kill me but make me suffer for infinity…for not loving him enough. He knew, because he knows all that is and ever will be, he KNEW he was making suffering, he KNEW it was going to be endless misery and starvation, he KNEW that and he did it anyway. there's zero mental gymnatistics you can do to turn that into a positive. Therefore this monster god you love (because you're afraid not to) is not any sort of god I would want to associate with, at all.


What kind of logic is it to worship a god that SELF DESCRIBES as angry, jealous, wrathful, and vengeful? I got neighbors like that, I want to do better for a god. keep your monster god, the one whose image that you are made….explains the state of the world, perfectly.

Anonymous ID: b2540f April 29, 2018, 2:17 a.m. No.1232094   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2101


the day that the truth is called rage and vitrol.


You hear your neighbor screaming at his kids all the time, "you're going to love me or I'll make you pay"…over and over you listen to the father berate the can see the child is afraid of his father…always you hear the threats. You call the police? y/n?


I think all organized rule/love/pay.or die religions are control mechanisms…all of them are exactly the same…they're so much a like they can't even see how much alike they are. I'm not angry, I'm sorry for you.

Anonymous ID: b2540f April 29, 2018, 2:20 a.m. No.1232105   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I never said anything of the sort and to imply I did shows where you are at in ego


>Lol how to spot a shill (((YOU)))


>Q Says




>In over 25 posts


>Mentioned god TONIGHT.


>POTUS and team have Bible Study for 3 hours every week. Buzz off dragon shill

Anonymous ID: b2540f April 29, 2018, 2:30 a.m. No.1232138   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2173


NO, eat as your body requires it. Each person is different. There is no karma in eating meat…that's just religious asshattery. mindful, grateful..don't consume meat that suffers in life…cows need to COW…to lumber and moo and munch…and wallow…not locked up shoulder to shoulder being force fed gummier bears…that misery is energy, that energy never dissipates, it is stored in the meat…in my culture, much like that Avatar movie, we are grateful to each thing living, both plant and animal, that nourishes us, we also recognize that in order to nourish us that which we consume has also consumed. It's circular…


Clearing the energy (aka praying) over food..thankfulness, gratefulness, mindfulness.


There is no sacrifice is each to his own understanding of self. I had a buhddist friend who would go celebate once i a while in order to focus on studies, but he never once told me I had to or that I'd never learn anything unless I was celibate. He left me to my own understanding knowing that HE personally focused better when celibate.


We need to stop making rules for each other and start looking within…that "remove your own log" thing is really supper important.


I drink distilled water that I magnetize. Copper like anything else is both good and bad. I try to get my minerals etc from diet. I would only suppliment copper if I felt I needed to.


I've been doing a lot with frequency. I was trained in beginner stuff back in 09 and gradually worked my way up to quantum medicine with the understanding that we can "call up" and use frequency…(life IS frequency, frequency is life) and that such was likely our "original medicine". Frequency can heal and it can kill :) quantum entanglement aligned with frequency does some amazing things.

Anonymous ID: b2540f April 29, 2018, 2:35 a.m. No.1232151   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2345


>the bible does not say that…Get the quote right if you're trying to make an actual point


SRLSY? I was BORN with a bible up my ass sideways. I had it memorized by the time I was 12 do not EVEN engage me in a bible battle.


Matthew 7:1-3 King James Version (KJV)


7 Judge not, that ye be not judged.


2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.


3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

Anonymous ID: b2540f April 29, 2018, 2:38 a.m. No.1232155   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Your understanding of this is very small. This ties into UVA surface events and physc DNA changes

And your understanding of it is channeled alien bullshit.


When the magnetosphere shrinks more solar radiation comes through in particular during solar events which weaken it even further.


And the imaginary friends telling, you're not getting more stupid, your DNA is shifting and you're going to ascend…when all the while all one need do is actually open ones eyes and look about to actually see, visually see people getting more and more stupid. men who feel they're women, women who feel they're men, men with zero testosterone, anyone who has been tricked into thinking we're getting better…holy…blindness.

Anonymous ID: b2540f April 29, 2018, 2:40 a.m. No.1232158   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I'm just fishing for Chris(t).

SHIIIII He needs you to fish for him?


What IF god were one of us? Just a slob like one of us, a stranger on a bus? What if?

Anonymous ID: b2540f April 29, 2018, 2:49 a.m. No.1232174   🗄️.is 🔗kun



We are dual by our very nature. Heck, that Jesus guy is a triplet!


In order to grow, learn, shift, one must die to self, la purga, die the little death, give up, let it go…tear it down, one cannot build a new house on top of the old, one must tear down the old and start anew. Remaking ourselves into a better version of the old, rinse and repeat. Constant unchanging belief in one version of self..what a dead way to live.'


Hokahey, today's a good day to die. I don't need a scape goat to fix my errors, I screwed it up, I'll make it right. Personal responsibility.

Anonymous ID: b2540f April 29, 2018, 3:05 a.m. No.1232208   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Lastly: electrical device usage. Are there ways to limit if not eliminate the effects of harmful radiations from lcd/monitors that adversely affect human health while still retaining usage of electronic devices? I am obviously not referring to any 'smart' devices of 'modern' RFID tech - think pre 2080 desk top or laptop set up.


shungite is useful, but it's also possible to ah…"reflect" it back so to speak..energetically.


I don't know where to tell you to start on frequency. When it was my time to learn it an elder basically "set me up" because he knew, as always, I would not believe him. (At times I'm incredibly slow) he starts explaining that every cell has it's own frequency/vibration…sound so to speak by which it in turn resonates with the mother (earth).


I was like…alrighty then…so I start doing my homework and exploring different frequencies. As I did not "believe" I just played a series of them in the background while I worked…over and over and over. That evening I was relaxing with a book when I suddenly got violently ill. I puke my guts out for an hour then crawled to bed…where I opened my computer and sent an angry email "does this frequency shit have side effects?" answer…yes…"Why the fuck didn't you warn me?" answer…because you wouldn't have believed me anyway, but now you KNOW.


There's just too much to explain…it's like Fibonacci, golden ratio, nature of reality, spooky action at a distance, newton's third law…all combined into a perfect universal symphony of perfection.


Take can both START your heart and it can STOP it. Dual. Both a giver and taker of life…considering a certain set of circumstances.


Molecular weight can be translated into frequency…what would happen of the MW of penicillin. for example, is translated into frequency and administered via remote quantum entanglement? This isn't fantasy, this is happening right now. Many people are studying quantum medicine…and the key to that is frequency. Study the 432 v. 440 music controversy, go listen to 432 v. 440 songs on jewtube…hear it for yourself.


Go dig up that Shattering Cancer Cells with frequency TED talk…research royal raymond rife. Make sure you work with ONE frequecny at the most two..per week to avoid…kek..side effects..and one of them is wrong. I want to say 528 but my memory…it's late. So ask about….and for fucks sake dont go following anyone..or adopt a guru, you're smart enough to follow trails, back up when it feels wrong, etc..take it all in, and spit out the useless stuff…don't be a believer, be a knower…and fear less.

Anonymous ID: b2540f April 29, 2018, 3:09 a.m. No.1232215   🗄️.is 🔗kun


One more thing


relationships are the means by which we experience ourselves, they are not for having, they are for that moment we become naked in front of another and say, don't hurt me,,,rather than, show me where I hurt.