Anonymous ID: d1410c April 29, 2018, 2:44 a.m. No.1232164   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2169 >>2180 >>2183 >>2211





The bread is good as always baker, but the contents are a fucking shit show. Usually I won't post stuff like this as it is itself a waste of bread.


90% of the nonsense posted here has nothing to do with Q research. Some faggots with over 10% of the posts @ 490 relplies.


No one gives a fuck if you have had a dream and Trump came to you in the matrix and told you Q and Jesus are real.


No one gives a flying fuck if are a vegan or how religous you are. No one cares if you know the secret of antigravity and vibrational energy fields with 3 info grahpics. No one cares about your IQ or your spiritual vision.


Post research, ask questions, post theories. But for fucks sake please stop with this shit posting. Fuck it. I am going to dig to actually have something worthy of posting.