Anonymous ID: d5b4fb April 29, 2018, 4:25 a.m. No.1232368   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I would rate this a serious blunder. The whole argument for abortion rests on the scaffolding that the fetus is not in fact a baby. Anyone laughing at something like this tacitly acknowledges that fetus = baby a lot of the time, and that not only is it ok to proceed anyways, it’s somehow laudable.


I think the Dems are fucking themselves with any support of this brand of callous messaging. They’d be better off with a position close to “The whole thing is tragic and not any kind of joking matter. However, we support medical removal of non-viable fetuses blah blah blah”.


I just shake my head that anyone would publically say such a thing at such an inexorably political event and also that anyone in any political spere or adjacent to any political sphere would laugh at it. This whole world has gone fucking insane.