Anonymous ID: e7b476 April 29, 2018, 1:13 a.m. No.1231851   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Beast in Revelation has seven heads which is symbolic of a one world political system not an individual. We have had this beast system nearly in existence for awhile now. Is called mystery Babylon, which I submit is the Illuminati.


There is also a second beast that rises out of the sea (people) that looks like a lamb but speaks like a dragon. This is the one world Church, ecumenicity.


The Antichrist is the ruler of these Beast systems and is one who denies the Father and the Son. He will deny that Jesus came in the flesh and claims to be YHVH.


This is not Trump for we understand that Trump gave his life to Christ and is a Christian.


It is important to keep watching as we are instructed to do in the word. One of the things that we are told is, when you hear of peace and safety then cometh sudden destruction.


I perceive from the word and current events that the one world beast systems will be set up and run by the wicked one, who claims to be Christ returned to earth, the false messiah, along with his fallen angels who are prophesied to return to earth (as it was in the days of Noe).


We also need to watch for the 2 witnesses who testify for 3 1/2 years ahainst the wicked one(s) and the are killed. Christ then returns 3 1/2 days later with His saints and resurrects the 2 witnesses.


Christ will not return until the word, that is, the TRUTH in the word, is proclaimed throughout the world. I don't believe this is happened yet. At present the mainstream churches are controlled by the wicked one(s) and very little truth is being taught.


If you want to know what the truth is consider Revelation 2:9 and 3:9. Of the seven types of churches, these are the only two that our Father did not find fault with. They have something in common. And when you realize what it is you suddenly have the Key of David, which unlocks an understanding to the scriptures. YHVH Bless.