Anonymous ID: 901bb6 Jan. 4, 2021, 2:51 p.m. No.12315508   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5533 >>5543 >>5549 >>5625 >>5635 >>5661 >>5829 >>5834 >>5904 >>5949 >>6073 >>6218 >>6226

Lin Wood


Is someone seeks to destroy documents sealed as “National Security,” they will now be successful. They will simply prove their complicity in heinous crimes. There is a “deadman’s switch.” They cannot destroy TRUTH.


Please act NOW @realDonaldTrump


You can release the Kraken.

Anonymous ID: 901bb6 Jan. 4, 2021, 2:52 p.m. No.12315518   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5637 >>5834 >>6073 >>6226

NARAL president: We’re ‘certainly preparing’ for end of Roe v. Wade


'We absolutely could, and we're certainly preparing with our partners in the movement for that.'


The president of the pro-abortion activist group NARAL let it slip in a recent interview that the organization is preparing for the overturn of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that imposed abortion on demand across the US.


NARAL Pro-Choice America president Ilyse Hogue, when asked in a January 3 Daily Beast podcast interview if the U.S. could “really lose Roe,” responded that her organization is preparing for it.

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“We absolutely could, and we're certainly preparing with our partners in the movement for that,” Hogue said.


“A lot of our work over the last few years has been about making sure that we have what we call islands of access — blue states that are codifying the right to abortion, making sure that we have like practice in place where women can go,” she added.


Hogue’s comments come three months after President Donald Trump, described as America’s most pro-life president, saw the Supreme Court swear in the third judge — Amy Coney Barrett — that he had nominated as president. The swearing-in of Trump’s picks of Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh had already given the court a 5-4 conservative edge although the court has not always ruled that way, particularly in Bostock v. Clayton County. It is expected that Barrett’s swearing-in last October will now add conservative clout to cases that come before the country’s highest court.

Anonymous ID: 901bb6 Jan. 4, 2021, 3:02 p.m. No.12315627   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5834 >>5953 >>6073 >>6226

LEAKED AUDIO: Trump Says Georgia Is Shredding Ballots To Hide Evidence, Warns Raffensperger ‘That’s So Illegal’


President Trump dutifully reminded Raffensperger that there are legal consequences for illegally stealing an election.


During a leaked phone call, President Trump warned Georgia officials about the shredding of ballots in Fulton County to hide evidence that he won.


President Trump was speaking to Georgia officials, including Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, and told them that Fulton County and others were shredding ballots, allegedly of Republican voters, to hide the fact that the President won the state, and not Joe Biden.


“I’m just telling you Ryan [Germany, Raffensperger’s lawyer], they’re shredding ballots,” President Trump said. “You should look at that very carefully, because that’s so illegal. You may not even believe it because it’s so bad. They’re shredding ballots because they think we’re going to eventually get there, because we’ll eventually get into Fulton [County]. In my opinion it’s never too late.”


The President noted that only 11,000 votes needed to be recovered in order to flip the state back to him. “We have far more than that as it stands now. We’ll have more and more,” Trump added. The President has faced criticism from the mainstream media and liberal commentators, claiming that the focus on “finding” 11,000 votes is proof he is trying to create votes out of thin air.

Anonymous ID: 901bb6 Jan. 4, 2021, 3:09 p.m. No.12315737   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5771 >>5820

“We Won 3 Times Here!” – Joe Biden Campaigns For Ossoff and Warnock by Yelling at Parking Lot of Honking Cars in Atlanta


78-year-old Joe Biden on Monday yelled at a parking lot of honking cars in Atlanta as he campaigned for Democrat candidates Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock ahead of the twin senate runoff election.


Biden trashed the Trump Administration’s efforts to distribute the Covid-19 vaccine and said, “This administration has gotten off to a Godawful start.” Adds of Trump: “I don’t know why he still wants the job he doesn’t want to do the work.”


Biden trolled Trump and said he had won the state of Georgia “three times” after the crooked recounts.


Joe Biden told Georgians they can “change America” by voting for Ossoff and Warnock.


“I’m asking you to give everything you’ve got one more day. In that one more day, this is not hyperbole, you could change America”



Anonymous ID: 901bb6 Jan. 4, 2021, 3:09 p.m. No.12315754   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5834 >>6073 >>6226

Trump 'Abruptly' Overruled Pentagon Chief On Carrier Pullout From Middle East


Late last week we noted there was a hopeful sign of potential US de-escalation in the Persian Gulf given the Pentagon announced it was bringing its only supercarrier for the Mideast and Persian Gulf region home.


Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller ordered the USS Nimitz to return to its US West Coast base at the time, but we also noted there was a split within Trump administration and Pentagon ranks over whether Iran constitutes a severe threat to US troops and interests in the region, particularly neighboring Iraq.


But as of late Sunday the Pentagon reversed course, with Miller issuing a new directive: "Due to the recent threats issued by Iranian leaders against President Trump and other U.S. government officials, I have ordered the USS Nimitz to halt its routine redeployment," he said. A new report in Politico says that President Trump personally intervened in the decision, with the commander-in-chief ordering the Pentagon the reposition the Nimitz in its Middle East zone of operation.

Anonymous ID: 901bb6 Jan. 4, 2021, 3:11 p.m. No.12315789   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5834 >>6073 >>6226

Saudi Arabia Lifts Its 3.5 Year Economic Blockade Of Qatar In US-Brokered Deal


Within the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) a more than three-year diplomatic and economic war has raged between Saudi Arabia and Qatar, which has even involved the closing of borders and airspace between the two (with UAE firmly in the Saudi camp), hardening into a total economic blockade of Qatar by other members (also including Bahrain and Egypt) but the deep rift looks to have been healed this week.


The Trump administration announced an agreement is to be signed between the two former GCC allies on Tuesday, according to Reuters, which reports further that "As part of the deal, Saudi Arabia will reopen its airspace and land and sea border to Qatar as of Monday, Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Ahmad Nasser al-Sabah said on Kuwait TV ahead of a Gulf Arab summit in Saudi Arabia on Tuesday." Both the United States and Kuwait have long worked to bring both sides to the table to heal the breach, which previously put the US awkwardly in the middle of two warring gulf allies.