Anonymous ID: ac3cf9 Jan. 4, 2021, 4:46 p.m. No.12317069   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Professor Delores Cahill: Why People Will Start Dying a Few Months After the First MRNA Vaccination!

Anonymous ID: ac3cf9 Jan. 4, 2021, 4:48 p.m. No.12317101   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7425 >>7626 >>7740

Chinese Foreign Minister: Biden Win Offers China ‘New Window of Hope’


Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi gave an interview to Chinese state television Saturday in which he credited the authoritarian rule of the Communist Party with defeating the coronavirus pandemic and celebrated the incoming Biden administration in America as a “new window of hope” for relations between the U.S. and China.


Wang said the “sudden onslaught of COVID-19 [Chinese coronavirus] has accelerated the once-in-a-century transformation in an increasingly fluid and changing world,” presenting the Chinese system as a model for the world to follow:


Here in China, the CPC [Communist Party of China] Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has rallied the nation behind a common purpose, and secured major strategic gains in the fight against COVID-19. We have also scored decisive successes in the three critical battles against poverty, pollution and potential risks. The whole country is on course to fully build a moderately prosperous society. The recent Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee set a great vision for China’s development in the coming years and charted the course for national rejuvenation. The unity and perseverance of the Chinese people have impressed the world. The resilience and dynamism of China’s development have won global recognition.


Wang claimed China was able to build “a strong defense against the virus at our borders” without mentioning Beijing’s implacable opposition to other nations defending themselves against the virus during the crucial months of spread in the late winter of 2020. Instead, he credited China with helping to “erect an international bulwark against the coronavirus” and said his government has “made more friends in the world” during the pandemic it unleashed.


“We have been firm in safeguarding our national interests. We have responded resolutely and rationally to unjustified moves by the United States. We have handled issues relating to Taiwan, Hong Kong, Xinjiang and Tibet with justified, strong and proportionate countermeasures and won one fierce battle after another in international organizations, vigorously safeguarding China’s sovereignty, dignity and development interests,” Wang said, delivering a jaw-dropping defense of China’s authoritarian atrocities.


Wang was comparably shameless in praising China for swiftly reporting coronavirus cases to the world — the exact opposite of the Communist Party’s deadly campaign of secrecy and its vicious oppression of heroic whistleblowers.


“When hit by an unknown coronavirus, China took immediate actions to carry out epidemiological investigation, identify the pathogen and publicize key information including the genome sequencing of the virus. All this sounded alarm bells across the world,” he said.


Wang bemoaned the “serious misconceptions of U.S. policymakers about China” and hoped the change of U.S. administrations would stave off America’s plan to start a “new Cold War”:


In recent years, China-US relations have run into unprecedented difficulties. Fundamentally, it all comes down to the serious misconceptions of US policymakers about China. Some see China as the so-called biggest threat and their China policy based on this misperception is simply wrong. What has happened proves that the US attempt to suppress China and start a new Cold War has not just seriously harmed the interests of the two peoples, but also caused severe disruptions to the world. Such a policy will find no support and is doomed to fail.


China-US relations have come to a new crossroads, and a new window of hope is opening. We hope that the next US administration will return to a sensible approach, resume dialogue with China, restore normalcy to the bilateral relations and restart cooperation.

Anonymous ID: ac3cf9 Jan. 4, 2021, 4:49 p.m. No.12317131   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7148 >>7154 >>7173 >>7189 >>7206 >>7369

Joe Biden: Elect Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock and $2000 Checks Go Out ‘Immediately’



President-elect Joe Biden promised Monday in Georgia that $2000 stimulus checks would go out to Americans “immediately” if Democrat Senate candidates were elected.


“That’s literally true. If you send Jon and the Reverend to Washington, those $2000 checks will go out the door. Restoring hope and decency and honor for so many people who are struggling right now,” Biden said.


Biden said that if Republican Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue were reelected, Americans would not get the additional money.


“Those checks will never get there,” he said. “It’s just that simple.”


Biden spoke at a campaign rally with Rev. Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff in Atlanta, Georgia, on Monday, urging supporters to vote for the two Democrats in the Senate runoff election on Tuesday.


Since Republicans still had the Senate majority, they were blocking Democrat efforts to pass the $2000 individual checks by unanimous consent.


“Their election will put an end to the block in Washington of that $2000 stimulus check,” he said.


He added, “That money that will go out the door immediately. Tell people who are in real trouble. Think about what it will mean to your lives.”

Biden said that Americans needed the checks to put food on the table and pay the bills.


“The debate over $2000 isn’t some abstract debate in Washington. Its about real lives,” he said.


Biden said that Georgia had the power to send money immediately to not just people in their state but all across the nation.


“One state can chart the course not just for the next four years but for the next generation,” he said.


Biden attacked President Donald Trump for failing to properly address the coronavirus crisis pandemic, noting that his administration had a “Godawful start” presumably referring to the New Year.


“The president spends more time whining and complaining than doing something about the problem,” he said. “I don’t know why he still wants the job. He still doesn’t want to do the work.”


President Trump has repeatedly signaled his support for the $2000 stimulus checks after the coronavirus aid package passed both houses of Congress in December.


$2000 ASAP!


— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 30, 2020


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer continue pressuring McConnell and Senate Democrats to pass more additional relief but face resistance.


“Borrowing from our grandkids to do socialism for rich people is a terrible way to get help to families who actually need it,” McConnell said on New Year’s Eve, explaining why he continued to oppose the bill.

Anonymous ID: ac3cf9 Jan. 4, 2021, 4:52 p.m. No.12317185   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7425 >>7626 >>7740

FDA Admits PCR Tests Give False Results, Prepares Ground For Biden To "Crush" Casedemic


The FDA today joined The WHO and Dr.Fauci in admitting there is a notable risk of false results from the standard PCR-Test used to define whether an individual is a COVID "Case" or not.


This matters significantly as it fits perfectly with the 'fake rescue' plan we have previously described would occur once the Biden admin took office. But before we get to that 'conspiracy', we need a little background on how the world got here…


We have detailed the controversy surrounding America's COVID "casedemic" and the misleading results of the PCR test and its amplification procedure in great detail over the past few months.


As a reminder, "cycle thresholds" (Ct) are the level at which widely used polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test can detect a sample of the COVID-19 virus. The higher the number of cycles, the lower the amount of viral load in the sample; the lower the cycles, the more prevalent the virus was in the original sample.


Numerous epidemiological experts have argued that cycle thresholds are an important metric by which patients, the public, and policymakers can make more informed decisions about how infectious and/or sick an individual with a positive COVID-19 test might be. However, as JustTheNews reports, health departments across the country are failing to collect that data.


Here are a few headlines from those experts and scientific studies:


1. Experts compiled three datasets with officials from the states of Massachusetts, New York and Nevada that conclude:“Up to 90% of the people who tested positive did not carry a virus."


2. The Wadworth Center, a New York State laboratory, analyzed the results of its July tests at the request of the NYT: 794 positive tests with a Ct of 40: “With a Ct threshold of 35, approximately half of these PCR tests would no longer be considered positive,” said the NYT. “And about 70% would no longer be considered positive with a Ct of 30! “


3. An appeals court in Portugal has ruled that the PCR process is not a reliable test for Sars-Cov-2, and therefore any enforced quarantine based on those test results is unlawful.


4. A new study from the Infectious Diseases Society of America, found that at 25 cycles of amplification, 70% of PCR test "positives" are not "cases" since the virus cannot be cultured, it's dead. And by 35: 97% of the positives are non-clinical.


5. PCR is not testing for disease, it's testing for a specific RNA pattern and this is the key pivot. When you crank it up to 25, 70% of the positive results are not really "positives" in any clinical sense, since it cannot make you or anyone else sick


So, in summary, with regard to our current "casedemic", positive tests as they are counted today do not indicate a “case” of anything. They indicate that viral RNA was found in a nasal swab. It may be enough to make you sick, but according to the New York Times and their experts, probably won’t. And certainly not sufficient replication of the virus to make anyone else sick. But you will be sent home for ten days anyway, even if you never have a sniffle. And this is the number the media breathlessly reports… and is used to fearmonger mask mandates and lockdowns nationwide…

Anonymous ID: ac3cf9 Jan. 4, 2021, 4:54 p.m. No.12317209   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7221 >>7230 >>7425 >>7626 >>7740

Kamala Tells Tall Tale of How She Fell Out of a Stroller During Civil Rights March, Then Told Her Mom All She Wanted Was “Fweedom” – Story Was Lifted From 1965 Playboy Interview with MLK!


Kamala Harris actually said this.


Phony Kamala Harris completely made up a story about how she participated in a civil rights march in Oakland, California when she was a young child in a stroller in an October interview with Elle Magazine.


Harris told Elle that she had fallen out of the baby stroller and her parents didn’t notice she was gone because they were so caught up in the energy of the march.


By the time Kamala’s parents realized she was gone, they doubled back and found little Kamala upset.


When asked what Kamala wanted, she just looked at her mom and said “Fweedom.”


Senator Kamala Harris started her life’s work young. She laughs from her gut, the way you would with family, as she remembers being wheeled through an Oakland, California, civil rights march in a stroller with no straps with her parents and her uncle. At some point, she fell from the stroller (few safety regulations existed for children’s equipment back then), and the adults, caught up in the rapture of protest, just kept on marching. By the time they noticed little Kamala was gone and doubled back, she was understandably upset. “My mother tells the story about how I’m fussing,” Harris says, “and she’s like, ‘Baby, what do you want? What do you need?’ And I just looked at her and I said, ‘Fweedom.’”


It gets even better…


Kamala Harris apparently lifted the “Fweedom” tall tale from a 1965 Playboy interview with Martin Luther King JR.


You just can’t make this stuff up!

Anonymous ID: ac3cf9 Jan. 4, 2021, 4:57 p.m. No.12317275   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7425 >>7435 >>7626 >>7740

Train Carrying 165 New Volkswagen Cars Sabotaged In Mexico


A train carrying more than 160 Volkswagen cars was derailed in Mexico last Wednesday by armed thieves, according to Mexican authorities, FreightWaves reports.


Thieves removed almost two meters of tracks to halt the train and steal merchandise. It wasn’t clear what they were able to steal, given that the cargo was brand-new vehicles.


The train tracks were cut near the town of Acultzingo, about 80 southeast of the Volkswagen assembly plant in Puebla, Mexico, where the company makes its Jetta, Tiguan and Golf models.


Authorities said about 11 train cars carrying a load of Volkswagen vehicles bound for Europe were derailed on the way to the Port of Veracruz. The incident happened about 3 a.m. Wednesday.


Up to 165 cars may have been damaged during the derailment. The train tracks belong to the Ferrosur Co., a railway that serves the southeastern regions of Mexico.


“There were 11 units loaded with cars that overturned and some even went into the ravine, and five were semi overturned. Fortunately no one was hurt,” said a Ferrosur official, according to outlet News Informant of Veracruz.


No arrests have been made. Volkswagen AG has not issued any statement regarding the incident.


A railway union spokesman quoted by Mexico News Daily, said six rail cars rolled over completely and some dropped into a ravine. He estimated damages in the millions of pesos.


This is not the first - and certainly won't be the last - Mexican train robbery in the region, as Bloomberg's 2018 profile of Acultzingo so vividly revealed, in an article aptly titled "The Train Robbery Capital of the World":


Head southeast out of Mexico City for about four hours or so and you will come upon the town of Acultzingo.


It is an impoverished, dusty little place nestled up against the rugged peaks of the Sierra Madre. Most inhabitants work the land for a living. They grow corn and avocados and raise cattle and pigs. They also rob trains. Lots of trains. So many, in fact, that Acultzingo (pronounced ah-coolt-ZEEN-go) is not only the train robbery capital of Mexico but, arguably, of the world.


Over the past year alone, there were 521 crimes committed against cargo trains in the town. And a chunk of those incidents bore no resemblance to the run-of-the-mill petty crime seen in the bigger cities of northern Mexico vandalizing a train car or stealing railway signs. No, these were massive, choreographed affairs that often started with a low-tech trick that dates back to the days of the Wild West piling rocks up high on the tracks – and involved small armies of thieves who descended on the derailed cars in waves to cart off the loot.

Anonymous ID: ac3cf9 Jan. 4, 2021, 5:04 p.m. No.12317390   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7425 >>7626 >>7740 >>7821

Proud Boys Leader Enrique Tarrio Arrested Leaving D.C. Area Airport on Way to Stop the Steal Rallies …Update: Charged With Burning Black Lives Matter Banner and then Possessing Two Gun Magazines


Proud Boys Leader Enrique Tarrio was arrested Monday evening as he was being driven from a D.C. area airport for allegedly burning a stolen Black Lives Matter banner taken from a historic Black Washington, D.C. church last month after a day of pro-Trump rallies. Tarrio admitted to burning the banner in an online post and in several media interviews at the time.

Anonymous ID: ac3cf9 Jan. 4, 2021, 5:23 p.m. No.12317720   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7740

CORTES: Republic… or Oligarchy?


At the conclusion of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787, when asked what kind of government the Framers had created for our new nation, Benjamin Franklin reportedly responded: “a republic, if you can keep it.”


Like the other Founding Fathers, Franklin understood deeply how representative government, like the Roman Republic, could devolve into oligarchy and eventual dictatorship. Accordingly, the American Constitution endeavored to channel the best practices of self-government from the Classical world while avoiding a similar subsequent fate.


This coming week in America may well determine the “if you can keep it” part.


The most powerful interests in America align, with remarkable synchronicity, to try to complete a grand electoral larceny, to literally subvert the foundations of our very republic in ways that would permanently divide our nation and embolden unelected powerbrokers intent on transforming America into an effective oligarchy.


This view may seem extreme to the luminaries of the connected ruling class in 2021 America. In New York newsrooms, Washington lobbying offices, corporate boardrooms, and university faculty lounges, skepticism regarding the manipulation of the November 3rd presidential vote amounts to a veritable mental illness. But in reality, tens of millions of Americans quite sensibly harbor grave doubts about the integrity of our election.


Despite the best efforts of business and media to suppress relevant information, the legions of doubters grow apace. A recent Rasmussen survey revealed that 47 percent of American voters believe the Democrats stole votes for Biden and/or destroyed Trump votes to secure the alleged victory. Among Trump voters, the cynicism reaches almost unanimity, with a scant 3 percent of his supporters in favor of the president conceding to Biden, per CNBC polling.


These widespread doubts represent evidence-based, thoughtful suspicion grounded in both statistics as well as our Constitution.