Anonymous ID: cbda12 Jan. 4, 2021, 4:49 p.m. No.12317124   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7318

In one entry in his diary, Hunter shares this about his dead brother’s wife Hallie whom he was having an affair with while his brother was still alive:

… I believe from what I know that she (Hallie) was taken advantage of early in her life. I think the way she handled that experience that a 28 man subjected a 12 year old to is to take back her power and tell the story as a seduction on here part. She wasn’t t taken advantage of in her mind she was the seducer she was the little girl who had a special secret power over men. And it wasn’t wrong because it was exciting and it was dangerous and it was all hers and no one else had any access to that part of her because she loved being the opposite of you. She said nothing told no one and while you needed the attention she knew that yours was nothing compared to the attention she could draw out of any man she set her eyes on. Kermit would have never noticed Hallie if Hallie hadn’t wanted to prove to herself that she was more beautiful and desired than Jen Knox and Devon.


In another post Hunter talks about the size of his private part:




… she (Hallie) started to tear down my already fragile ego. “I only remember the big penises and the really small ones I cant tell the difference between all the average ones.” I know its easy to point out how trivial and typical stupid guy only thinks of his penis that is, but the sadistic part about Hallie is that (1). She knew how sensitive I was to that because when I was 14 and played varsity football but hadn’t reached puberty it was a horribly embarrassing time in my life that has stuck with me from this day and because of that (2). I loved to be reassured that my 9 inch very big penis was actually big. It may be funny to you but its body dysmorphia and the exact reason Hallie got breast implants. I know my penis is almost twice the size of an average mans penis I know that she knows that and I know she knows because I’ve now told her 100 times to stop implying that no matter how obviously wrong she is because no matter how beyond the little boy you have grown its harder to put out of your mind that the person says it not once not twice not 10 times but over and over. Fing sadistic- and I really was going to not let my anger get the better of. But you (Hallie) fing sick mean f***.”

Anonymous ID: cbda12 Jan. 4, 2021, 4:59 p.m. No.12317309   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7340



Why Is Dicyanin Dye Illegal?


Why is Dicyanin dye illegal? Dicyanin Dye is illegal because it is said to have special properties when placed between two glass planes. The resulting effect gives anyone the ability to look into the Astral Realm, along with seeing a persons emanating aura. Essentially proving that another plane of reality exists.

Anonymous ID: cbda12 Jan. 4, 2021, 5:01 p.m. No.12317340   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7732


During the 1920’s, a scientist by the name of Walter Kilner experimented with a chemical called, ‘Dicyanin’. He placed the dye in between two glass planes and looked through it. What he found was the ability to see the aura of any person. (2)



Because of the dyes ability to block out the white light spectrum, it helped Kilner’s ability to concentrate on the person’s aura.


Before the 1940’s, private researchers were able to freely use Dicyanin Dye. During this same time frame the U.S Government banned any use with the dye.