Anonymous ID: 0c009c Jan. 4, 2021, 6:04 p.m. No.12318439   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8484



We took oaths a month or two after lockdowns started. Now look where we're at.


We've been bad-mouthed non-stop while losing friends & family members. We've been censored.


We're proud to be Anonymous Patriots digging, meming, & praying for our country.


A top ranked defamation lawyer who has represented Trump has linked to our board. He is one of us. What is the link? I'd like to hear analysis of the contents of the link. Like your thoughts about the first two lines of the document:



Americans Prepare for War


And how about the contents of the pic related???


We have a role in the movie too, even if we're Anon.